Category Archives: Article

Digital Devices And Education In The New Normal

Digital Devices And Education

It is time to applaud the governance for accepting the ground realities of inequitable access to online education and evolving a road map to negotiate this digital divide in the country. Kudos for envisaging a huge investment of Rs. 60K crores for providing nearly 40% of the total students in higher education institutions (HEIs) with […]

Creative Thinking: A Life Skill

Creative Thinking

Creative thinking meaning is the ability to think outside the box and see things in a new light. It is a life skill that can be learned and improved upon. Critical and Creative thinking skills that all of us should strive to develop. It is a way of looking at things from a different perspective and finding new and innovative solutions to problems. In a world that is constantly changing, it is more important than ever to have the ability to think creatively. Whether you’re trying to solve a problem at work, come up with a new idea for your business, or simply want to be more open-minded, creative thinker can help you find new and innovative solutions.

Assessment Strategies For Effective Learning

Assessment Strategies

Learning is an integral part of our life. In a classroom, it becomes a demanding process. It requires active participation from both ends. This continuous involvement is necessary to produce effective results. The entire learning process needs to be verified at regular intervals. It will allow us to generate good results. Furthermore, these verifications allow us to upgrade and update the process. As a result, desirable results can be achieved. Various forms of assessment are used for this verification. They are called Assessment Strategies.

Politics As Career For Youth In Democratic India

politics as career

We need to learn to handle the people who are mishandling the political economy of India. To encourage youth and develop their taste of politics as a career, we have to motivate them for taking risk in the uncertain world of unemployment. politics as a career debate The politicians have to be trained to become street SMART and SIMPLE with spiritual input as justified in the book ‘Economics of Human Resource Development in India,’ published in 2012, for the good governance of any economy of the world including India.

Effective Ways to Utilize Paraphrasing in Content Creation

Paraphrasing is a fundamental skill in content creation that involves rephrasing text while maintaining its original meaning. It is a crucial technique for writers, bloggers, and content creators to ensure that their work is original, engaging, and plagiarism-free. Plus, it also helps to avoid repetition and adds value to the content. Here we will explore […]

12 Most Remarkable Benefits Of Creating Creative Classrooms

creative classrooms

“Creativity is intelligence having fun” -Albert Einstein The phenomenon of creativity is very fascinating, as it makes us ponder and imagine. Some enjoy it as recreation or fun, while others find the meaning of life through it.  Let us explore this realm of never-ending ideas: Creativity is nothing but a new perspective to look at […]

Digital Divide: A Deterrent In Online Education

digital divide

Digital Divide – Unanticipated lockdown across the country to curtail the COVID19 has affected all walks of life. The lockdown happening for the first time is yielding varying experiences to the citizen of the country. Along with different sectors, the higher education sector has also felt the dent due to the discontinuance of the teaching-learning […]

Co-Curricular Activities – Ignored Player of Education

co curricular activities

Co-curricular activity is one such player we are ignoring. Be this at the school level, college level, or the perception of parents. We are in the 21st Century and the world is growing at a fast pace. The conventional methodology of teaching that was developed during the 20th Century is heading towards embracing the new teaching pedagogy.

An Overarching Vision For Education In India – National Education Policy 2020


The education policy refers to programs and guidelines based on the purpose of the educational administrators, forming a plan on how to conduct learning for students. The National Education Policy (NEP) is a policy prepared by the government to foster education amongst the citizens of India. The policy envelopes elementary education to college in both urban and rural parts of India.

Employability Is The Key Element For University 4.0


The Background It has been a never-ending debate on ‘The Purpose Aspect’ of Universities to date since the establishment of the University of Bologna Italy, the oldest university in the world. In India, since 1857 when the first 3 Universities were established, the University of Calcutta, the University of Bombay & the University of Madras, […]