Assessment Strategies

Assessment Strategies For Effective Learning

Learning is an integral part of our life. In a classroom, it becomes a demanding process. It requires active participation from both ends. This continuous involvement is necessary to produce effective results. The entire learning process needs to be verified at regular intervals. It will allow us to generate good results. Furthermore, these verifications allow us to upgrade and update the process. As a result, desirable results can be achieved. Various forms of Formative assessment are used for this verification. They are called Effective Assessment Strategies.

Assessment Strategy Definition

It refers to different tools and techniques employed by the instructor to evaluate their students. This evaluation is important to gather awareness for the following:

  • Identify the strengths of the learner
  • Identify the weakness of the learner
  • Recognize the unique learning needs of an individual learner
  • Track the progress of the learner
  • Collect feedback for the current teaching methods employed by the learner in the form of its effectiveness

This reflects how the process of Formative assessment is indeed an important one. 

Two Approaches For Assessment Strategies

The education system has many significant changes over the years. This has called for developments in the evaluating process. Consequently, many changes have been introduced. This leads us to roughly two approaches to the process. These approaches are:

Traditional forms of assessment

New forms of assessment

Peer Evaluation and Self Assessment strategies

Formal and Informal Assessment Strategies

Many unique forms of evaluation are used in different situations for their unique purposes. Such categories are as follows:

These are the more systematic form of evaluation. They are data-driven and provide statistics for every student’s performance. The data is mathematically computed and reviewed. Scores such as percentiles, standard scores; etc are derived as results.

A few examples of this mode of Formative assessment are as follows:

  • Aptitude tests
  • Standardized tests
  • Examinations

It refers to the more spontaneous methods of assessment. They can be also integrated with daily classroom activities. Moreover, they are content and performance-driven. 

A few examples of Informal Assessment Strategies are:

  • Oral Presentations
  • Journaling
  • Crossword Puzzles
  • Drama

Educators receive essential feedback via these methods. While keeping to track the progress of learners. Additionally, this can act as a revision of the concepts taught. It can also aid students in a complete understanding of concepts.

When and Where Should These Strategies Be Adopted?

Formal Effective assessment strategies can be used to track the overall progress of the students. The statistics also allow comparison of an individual learner with others of his age and grade. It facilitates recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of one student against their peers. 

On the other hand, informal Effective assessment strategies can help enhance the day-to-day learning process in classrooms. This is possible as it allows us to monitor progress through simple methods on a daily basis. This improves learning and instruction. 

In short, a formal model of Formative assessment is to be used at different intervals for distinct purposes. 

Need and Importance of Assessment Strategies

The significance of learning is familiar to all. Firstly we should include Formative assessment as a natural part of the learning process. Subsequently, we will understand its role. This will be possible when we realize how both complement each other- 

  • Assessment for learning: Education will lose its significance if the learning imparted resulted in no use. To ensure the same, it’s necessary to check what the students have learned. This is where assessment acts as a checkpoint to ensure the authenticity of concepts. 

In the case of poor teaching methods or in ability to understand the concepts taught, teachers can receive sufficient feedback. This will further help them plan efficiently. The cycle of feedback will continue and students can receive the same for themselves.

  • Assessment as learning:  Students can use results and choose a direction for themselves. The awareness created by such an evaluation can help them work on their strengths and weaknesses. They can make changes accordingly.

Moreover, this will inculcate a sense of responsibility for their actions. Such lessons will help them beyond their academics and careers. 

  • Assessment of learning: The larger educational community receive these results as an achievement. News of results spread rapidly as it a mark of success of the education system at large. This celebrates the idea of progress which is inherent to learning. 

On a broader level, Formative assessment and learning are progressive. This is because they keep the very concept of knowledge active. This enthusiastic approach gives birth to a competitive spirit. This is how we have reached milestones. 

How is Assessment a Learning Tool?

From discoveries to inventions, all of them are fundamental to the progress of human civilization. These are all backed up by curiosity and a sense of achievement. The curiosity component has helped in expanding the field of Research and Development.

Students are also able to figure out their goals. Moreover, this goal-oriented approach helps them unfold their interests. Additionally, it expands the expertise in fields. 

The concept of Formative assessment adds a rewarding element. This not only motivates the learners. But it allows the education community to march towards a more developing society. All these achievements are a result of making the system more active.

Unlike earlier times, this has ensured an educated motivated population rather than a few scholars. 

Assessment Strategies

Moreover, an evolving culture forms the basic objective of learning. A motionless world is equal to the dark ages. Similarly, the need and importance of Effective assessment strategies are synonymous if we understand how it’s equal to learning. But most importantly, assessment in itself is a learning tool.

Different Types of Assessment Strategies

To adopt this tool of evaluation in teaching methods, it’s important to understand it in detail. This integrated approach will guide educators. It will be in the form of teaching them to adopt the correct method for different purposes. These various methods are important as they are different Effective assessment for learning strategies. 

While students equate only tests or exams with Formative assessment, it’s not the same with educators. The learning body might face difficulty when it comes to tests. However, tests are multi-faceted. Instructors don’t limit it to periodic tests.

A teacher conducts such tests every day. This can be before a lesson is taught or even just after it. 

This leads to different types of assessments:

  1. Diagnostic Assessment
  2. Formative Assessment
  3. Interim Assessment
  4. Benchmark Assessment
  5. Summative Assessment

What are the Diagnostic Assessments?

A teacher employs this Formative assessment strategy at the beginning of any unit. In simpler terms, they are ‘pretests’. This method acts as a detector. It helps identify how familiar are students with a particular topic. 

The teacher can learn about the degree of awareness among students for various topics and themes. This is evident from the name ‘diagnosis’. The word means to analyze and examine the condition of a situation. This is exactly what a teacher does in a class.

This helps the teacher to influence their lesson planning. Subsequently, they can dedicate more or less time to a topic. 

It also creates a curious environment in the classroom. Learners will be more motivated to learn about the same. Some might even read about the same before the class and ease the process.

Components of Diagnostic Assessment

  1. Undertaken during the introduction of a new unit, lesson, theme; etc.
  2. The motive is to estimate a learner’s current knowledge on a topic. This allows them to then convey effective instruction.
  3. Realize the areas that need improvement. Along with this, praising the strengths.
  4. Mostly included in informal assessments i.e. without any score or grade.


An instructor is starting a new unit on the Indian Independence. She/he can take a multiple choice question test or even an oral quiz regarding the same.

If the students are aware of the famous figure then she can quickly give a short lecture on the same. If the students are not familiar with the timeline, then the teacher should explain in detail and spend more time on this. This helps her in framing an effective lesson plan, according to her specific needs.

Difference Between Diagnostic and Formative Assessments

Both types of assessment aid mentors to instruct effectively. This means they serve the same purpose. This is to identify areas that demand more time and attention. However, they are taken at different times. 

Conversely, diagnostic Formative assessments are taken in the beginning. This helps in understanding the student’s knowledge of a topic. Additionally, it puts to test what they have learned in the past. 

The two methods are indeed different and effective for their unique purposes. Also, formative assessments are mostly formal, unlike diagnostic assessments. As a result, formative assessments are used for grading purposes.

What are Formative Assessments?

The Latin word formare which means ‘to form’ gave birth to the word “Formative”. Whereas “Assessment” implies the process of evaluation. The two combine to form an Formative assessment strategy that helps in shaping and guiding learners. 

The learning process and this assessment go parallel to each other. The aim is to identify problems and provide immediate solutions. In simpler words, teachers can form instructions that are more beneficial to their students. 

Assessment Strategies

Mostly, this type of evaluation is formal. Moreover, it helps in determining whether the students are on the right pace or what is the right place. 

Components of Formative Assessment Strategies

The key aspects of this type are:

  1. Provides an easy update on the learning status.
  2. Quick feedback for teachers regarding a student’s understanding of concepts.
  3. Periodical review of learning.
  4. Low-stakes assessment, which means less weightage in the final result.
  5. Conducted in multiple ways: Presentation, Short tests, Quiz, Diagram exercise, etc.


After completing a few topics from the Indian Independence unit, a teacher can take an evaluation. If the topics include popular figures, timelines, and various movements then the questions should revolve around the same. 

This can be in the form of a classroom discussion, quiz, or presentation. These are what we call formative Effective assessment strategies. 

However,  if the students are still not able to understand the timeline, then the teacher can devote more time to it. As a result, the lesson plan can be changed. Hence, formative assessment strategies come to play.

What are the Interim Assessments?

Interim refers to ‘the intervening time’. As a result, the interim assessments are conducted at different intervals of the academic calendar. However, they are often undertaken at the district or school-wide level. 

Results can be compared with this. At the same time, enabling the teachers to track the progress of entire classes or schools i.e. the student body. This can guide instruction. Consequently, students can be ready for summative exams.


Components of Interim Assessment Strategies

– Deliver a sense of student growth 
– The terms ‘Benchmark exam’ and ‘Interim exam’ are Interchangeably used
– Conducted after some interval
– Provide information related to the accountability of schools, instructors, and learners.
– Provide information about the need for adjustment to instruction.


Difference Between Interim and Formative Assessment Strategies

Both types of Effective assessment strategies facilitate teachers to drive their teaching methods. But the following are the key differences between them:

– Formative assessments are low stakes evaluations. This means they are carrying less weight. While the other has comparatively more weightage. 

– Due to the difference in weightage, interim assessments require more preparation and are more formal. In contrast, the other is less formal and demands less preparation.

– Teachers take formative assessments in a singular class. However, the other is taken across different classes and schools.

– Interim assessments are taken in a longer interval. While formative are almost assigned regularly. 



 Prof. Dr.S.B. Siwach
 Prof. Dr.S.B. Siwach

What are Benchmark Assessments?

This form of assessment is taken across multiple classes, a school, or even a district. The objective is to recognize how much the students have absorbed throughout their classes. This measures the academic advancement of a vast number of students.  

The teacher can identify which lessons and student needs more attention. This also gives an idea of the student’s performance in the summative exams.


Components of Benchmark Assessment Strategies

– The term is interchangeably used with an interim assessment
– Taken across many classes, an entire school or even a district
– Provides teachers with feedback 
– Help predict the summative scores




Difference Between Benchmark and Interim Assessment 

The terms are used interchangeably as there is no to little difference between the two.


Difference Between Benchmark Assessment and Formative Assessment

While Benchmark exams also help teachers with feedback as a formative assessment, there is a marked difference between the two. These differences are:

– Formative assessments are taken by a singular teacher in a class.  While the others are conducted at many levels.
– Benchmark assessments are taken once in a long interval, whereas the others are very common. 



What Are The Summative Assessments?

The examination that is taken at the end of an academic year is a part of Summative Assessments. They test the information learned throughout a specified period. Example: a semester or an academic year. 

These are the most stressful assessments for students. This is because they require more dedication, time, and preparation in comparison to other types. It is an essential part of formal Effective assessment strategies. 

Components of Summative Assessments

  • Higher stake assessment than other types.
  • Provide information related to the responsibility of schools, instructors, and learners.
  • Assess the learning after a checkpoint.


The unit of India’s Independence was allowed for the entire semester. The test that the teacher takes at the end of the semester for this unit will be called summative assessment. This will require careful preparation by the students. 

Components of Summative Assessments

An in-detail study of all the topics will be essential. This is because this type of assessment demands a higher level of thinking. 

Educators require different methods to assess different aspects of their learners. For course-related knowledge and skills, the following tools can be adopted: 

For Evaluating Prior Knowledge and Understanding

This matrix is illustrated through a two-dimensional diagram. Students need to draw a rectangle which will be divided into rows and columns. The concept of this figure will help to organize information and indicate relationships.

Moreover, this will help the students in the following:

  • Remember and recall important course material
  • The skill of organizing information in the correct boxes and establishing correct relationships

In this method, the teacher will ask students to list terms, name, or concept related to the “focus point”. The focus point is an important term from the lesson taught. Hence, this demands students to focus attention on important concepts. 

This helps the learning process in the following ways:

  • Tests the student’s memory
  • Helps teachers to recognize which concepts need more emphasis in class
  • This easy method can motivate students to be more active 

Instructors can make short and easy questionnaires. These can be asked at the beginning of a new concept. Hence such questions (before introduction) can help teachers in the following way: 

  • Identify important concepts: While all concepts are important, some are difficult for students to understand. Thus, they require more emphasis on teachers.  This makes them important concepts. 
  • Consequently, teachers can alter their lesson plan and adjust time duration for different concepts. 

Quick Easy Methods

As the name suggests, the technique is to identify the most problematic point in the lesson. Hence, the students are required to immediately reply to: 

               “What was the muddiest point in ______________ ?” H

This can be done for:

  • presentations,
  • assignments
  • play
  • any concerned lesson.

Moreover, it’s an effective technique to quickly highlight the least clear topic. 

Teachers give two or three minutes to students. At this time, they are required to answer either of the following:

  • What crucial questions are still left unanswered?
  • What according to you is the most significant take away from this class? 

This assessment strategy gives rapid feedback. Additionally, this simple way will create a friendly environment and relations in the class. 

For Evaluating Analysis and Critical Thinking Skills

Pro and Con Grid

Analytic Memos

A learner should prepare a less than two-page analysis on a particular topic. This will allow instructors to assess analytical skills. Additionally, they will be able to check their ability to communicate the analysis too.  

Categorizing Grid

This assessment strategy asks students to group information into the correct grid. Moreover, this ensures good feedback on the teaching body. This gives them an idea of how accurately students are able to realize the related topics.

Defining Features Matrix

Another method to assess their analytic reading and thinking skills in this method. Pupils are instructed to organize concepts by the existence or the absence of vital defining features.

Content, Form, and Function Outlines

Out of all the Effective assessment strategies, this is a comprehensive way to assess learners. They are asked to investigate the “what”, “how” and “why”. This gives the content, form, and function in the same order.  

Moreover this strategy can give insights into a student’s abilities to distinguish and evaluate the following from a lesson :

  • Informational content
  • The form
  • Communicative function 

For Evaluating Problem-Solving Skills

  1. Audio- and Videotaped Protocols – A detailed insight into a student’s process of problem-solving is given to the faculty. This is possible as students are recorded on audio or videotapes during the same.
  2. Problem Recognition Tasks – This method allows faculty to evaluate students for their ability to recognize different problem types. For this, students are given some examples of common problem types. Finally, they are asked to identify the type of problem for each case.
  3. Documented Problem Solutions – This Formative assessment strategy allows a deeper understanding of a learner’s problem-solving skills. The method requires students to maintain a record of the steps involved in the process of solving a problem. Moreover, this checks the following skills of a student:
  • Understanding problems
  • Solving problems
  • Descriptive skills, which are used while describing the steps
  1. What’s the Principle? – A few problems are provided to students. Subsequently, they are asked to mention the principle that applies to each one of them. This allows faculty to assess their aptitude to relate problems with principles.

For Evaluating Application and Performance

This technique demands students to write a minimum of one practical application for a theory, principle or any topic learned. The teacher can then examine their understanding of applications and the concept at large

A ‘prospectus’ here refers to a brief first-draft plan for a term paper or project. Students are urged to consider different elements of an assignment. This can include purpose, topic, and major issues to be resolved among others. Whereas the project prospectus concentrates on the following:

  • Multiple skills to be enhanced
  • Tasks to be accomplished
  • Outputs to be derived
Assessment Strategies

Directed Paraphrasing This method asks students to rephrase some information they have learned. They are encouraged to do so in their own words. Following this, they are provided with feedback. Some positive and motivational feedback is also assured to the students. 

This makes learning interesting for them. Moreover, it gives faculty an opportunity to know how much students have understood. They can further adjust their lesson plan accordingly. 

Interesting Student-Friendly Methods

Another method to test what students have learned is this unique test. They are asked to write some questions relating to the concepts they have learned. Teachers can therefore assess what students feel are the most important topics.

Along with this, they can test how well they answer the questions. This uncommon method keeps the student activities. It also checks the learner’s dedication to involving in classroom activities.

Assessment strategies can be fun too! Like this one.

In this method, students are divided into groups. Furthermore, they are asked to demonstrate the model processor living scenes. This puts into test their knowledge and understanding of concepts through performing them. Additionally, it allows them to revise topics and boosts their confidence while presenting it.

Methods For Evaluating Students Attitude, Values, and Self-Awareness

For Evaluating Student Awareness of Their Attitude and Values

1. Double-Entry Journals – Students are instructed to prepare double-entry journals. The first entry should contain the notions and arguments that were most meaningful and/or debatable to them. Whereas the second entry should elaborate on the subjective importance of the ideas mentioned. 

This is followed by detailed feedback. In conclusion, teachers can get more insights, and students can learn about analysis.

2. Classroom Opinion PollsThis method allows faculty, an insight of student opinions regarding the issues they face with their course. The poll is able to achieve the same.

Students are instructed to raise their hands which can be for or against a statement. Moreover, this is one of those Effective assessment strategies that create a free learning environment.

3. Course-Specific Self-Confidence Surveys- Some simple questions are asked to students. The aim is to measure the level of self -confidence that a student possesses regarding their abilities. In addition, this can assist the faculty to do the following:

  • Find ways to inspire and motivate students via confidence-building activities.
  • Creating assignments that are best suited to the needs of their students. 

Assessing Student’s Values

4. Profiles of Admirable Individuals – This is another interesting evaluation tool that has a personal element attached to it. The name of the technique is self-explanatory. Indeed the students are expected to write about their inspiration from their respective fields. The description should include the values, talents, and efforts (of the particular figure) that motivate them.

This is helpful in the following ways: 

  • This can familiarize faculties with students and the values they relate and respect. 
  • The technique can inspire students to expand their goals. 
  • Additionally, this can be a bonding experience for individuals with their peers and/or faculties.

5. Everyday Ethical Dilemmas This technique is an important strategy that teachers should definitely include in classroom activities. The procedure is as follows: 

Students are assigned case studies that force them to face an ethical problem. This problem is related to their concerned domain or profession. They are expected to reply briefly and anonymously to these issues.

This exercise adds a practical real-life element to their study. It also prepares them for future difficulties. On the other hand, the faculty receive honest responses about a student’s value. They can guide them to face and solve such issues in a better manner.

For Evaluating Students Self-Awareness

  1. Goal Ranking and MatchingStudents are asked to form a list of their personal learning goals. These goals are to be made taking into account the time period of that particular course. Moreover, they should also rank these goals to establish their priorities.

This can aid the learning process in the following ways: 

  • Promotes a goal-oriented positive approach.
  • Motivates students to invest more and work with dedication. 
  • Helps teachers to understand and align their course-related goals with those of the students. 
  1. Directed Autobiographical Sketches – Students should prepare an autobiographical sketch. It can be a few pages long. However, it should focus on a particular successful learning event from their past. (This should be from the same course they are working in currently)

In addition, this increases the self-awareness of the student for themselves and their faculty. On a broader level, this positive activity fills them with hope. This can help them fight the current challenges faced by them.

  1. Self-Evaluation of Methods of Learning – Students are required to explain their strategies of learning. They are also asked to compare the same with individuals that they resemble them the most. This provides an understanding of a student’s learning methods. 

Along with this, it allows students to test and reflect on themselves. Thus, it is part of self-assessment strategies .

  1. Interest/Knowledge/Skills Checklist -A quick and valuable source of information about students is this checklist. They are asked to rate their interest, knowledge, and skills for various issues. This is to be done on a checklist that is carefully created by their teachers. Additionally, it increases students’ self-awareness. 

For Evaluating Study Skills Behaviors and Other Strategies

This interesting technique is carried in five steps. Both the learners and educators have to follow the steps: 

  • Listen: This is when students listen carefully with absolute concentration to the lectures delivered. 
  • Stop: Teachers stop delivering the lecture. 
  • Reflect: This is an important step when students reflect their activity and concentration while the lecture was being delivered. They are forced to evaluate their behavior and think about how it helped or limited their learning process. 
  • Write: Then they list the knowledge gained during the lecture. 
  • Provide feedback: Last but not least, some valuable feedback should also be provided to the teachers. This is in the form of brief nameless remarks.

Benefits of this method are: 

  • Rapid feedback is available. 
  • Aid in discovering the distracting element that hinders the learning process. 
  • Eliminate distractions and make learning efficient.
  • Students become more responsible. They take charge of their learning activity.

Moreover, it helps ease the entire teaching process.

In contrary to punctuated lectures, this technique can ease the learning process for students. This is possible by asking students to maintain records of the steps carried out by them. This is especially for assignments. 

They are also asked to list conclusions about their approach to the particular assignment. This provides teachers with insight into how students attempt assignments. They can identify the difficulties that a student’s face. 

Consequently, teachers can guide them. This will also create a healthy bond between them. Along with this, there will be an added benefit of having a free healthy class atmosphere.

Log Based Methods

The name of the technique gives a clear idea of how this will help in the diagnosis of the learning process.

Students should make two lists. The first one should contain all the points that they understood during a specific class.

However, the second list should focus on topics that remain unclear. This easy method will help in a detailed diagnosis. Most importantly, students will become capable of detecting their strengths and weaknesses.

Maintaining a record of their self-study time is another innovative assessment strategy. Details should be included. It should also mention the time devoted to studying in a day. 

Moreover, it is important to note that this time should be beyond the classes. Peers can discuss their timetables. This will provide motivation and a dedicated environment. Including this will introduce students to a very important concept of self- Effective assessment strategies .

Methods For Evaluating Student Reactions For Teachers 

There are various methods that teachers can use to evaluate student reactions. One common method is to administer surveys or questionnaires to students at the end of a course or unit. These surveys can ask students to rate their level of understanding of the material, their engagement with the course, and their overall satisfaction with the teaching approach. Teachers can use this feedback to adjust their teaching methods and make improvements for future courses.

Another method for Formative assessment is to conduct classroom observations. Teachers can invite a colleague or administrator to observe their teaching and provide feedback on areas that need improvement. Observations can also be recorded and analyzed for patterns in student engagement and participation.

Chain Notes

Email Feedback


Online Assessment Strategies

The pandemic has affected almost every sphere of our life. This includes education too. Virtual or Remote learning is the new ‘normal’.

This online learning poses its own unique challenges. Participation from the learner’s end has significantly decreased. However, innovative Effective assessment strategies can be used to bridge this gap.  It can include various self-assessment strategies too.

The rapid advancement in technology can also aid the teaching and learning process. In conclusion, an innovative approach and technology are essential to ease e-learning. 

So the assessment strategies for the same are as follows: 

Real-Time Classroom Strategies

Video Presentations and Podcasts: Unlike the 90s, today technology has a lot more to offer. Thus, it is important to make use of the same. Nonetheless, this can be by assigning video presentations and podcasts. 

Students should be encouraged to benefit from technology. Additionally, it is better than monotonous presentations. Multimedia components should be included in presentations. The ‘record’ function of MS PowerPoint can be very helpful. It allows students to add voice in a slide. 

Video Presentations and Podcasts

Creative freedom should be given to the students. This will make them tech-savvy and the class very engaging. 

As an alternative to oral presentations, podcasts can be incorporated into the list of potential Effective assessment strategies . Students can be divided into groups to give something beyond scripted presentations. Subsequently, they can form panels and start vibrant conversations. 

Strategy to Ease e-learning

Project-Based Assessment Strategy

Other Strategy

General Tips for Online Learning: 

  • Faculties and students should inculcate a welcoming approach towards the virtual means. 
  • They should experiment with different applications, software, and platforms for improving the learning process. 
  • Teachers should create an active environment with innovative methods. This can be done by asking easy questions that students are more likely to answer.
  • A good feedback system should be devised. This will ensure that the educator’s efforts are not wasted.
  • Teachers should be open about listening to the challenges students are facing. 

Moreover, like the physical classroom, this also requires participation from both ends.

Assessment Strategies For Students With Special Needs

It is extremely important that a teacher is a compassionate being. This will ease the process for everyone. However, it especially applies to students with special needs.

Faculties need to remember that this just requires a change in their set of regular Effective assessment strategies. The change would entirely depend on the particular student. 

Some students might find a pen and paper test difficult. Others might find it difficult to undertake a task that spans for a longer duration. Moreover, the following methods can be used: 

This refers to an oral presentation. It allows teachers to assess a student’s abilities, understanding, and knowledge. The concerned student will have to answer questions or describe the tasks. 

This means a presentation can take multiple forms including oral tests, debates, discussion. A larger group might intimidate some students. But a teacher can decide as such situations will only prepare and help the students. 

This one is from the list of beneficial assessment strategies for a student with special needs. It can also aid the student to make the process easier. Additionally, a teacher can assess multiple skills of the child.

For example, if a student is given a math problem then the teacher can ask them many questions while solving. This will help the latter to figure out understanding skills and attitudes among other skills. 

Most importantly, this will make the child feel very comfortable. It will also strengthen the bond from both ends.


It is important to remember that evaluation is an integral tool in the learning process. Additionally, for learning to be a fruitful experience, there must be active participation from both ends. Moreover, correct Effective assessment strategies can help in achieving the same.

There are many options available for an instructor. There are also self-Effective assessment strategies for students. All instructors need to have is an open and innovative approach. This especially applies to distance and online learning. Nonetheless, this difficult task can be made easier.

The teacher just needs to keep in mind the needs and requirements of their students and themselves. Along with this, they need to maintain a healthy and friendly environment. This will automatically create an engaging atmosphere that will be progressive. 

In conclusion, an innovative-productive approach can be achieved by adopting various Effective assessment strategies. 


What are some alternative assessment strategies and tools?

Traditional methods like standardized tests or MCQs do not meet the entire needs. As a result, educational bodies have made many attempts. However, most of them have failed. 
So some alternative Formative assessment strategies can include portfolios. This gives students complete freedom to choose the work that they think is the best example of their efforts. The entire focus is on change and improvement. 
Electronic portfolios can also be prepared. Along with this, blogging can be used for constant reflection. Along with this, self-assessment strategies should also be included. This can include many formative assessment strategies too.

What are examples of brilliant teaching strategies?

Many teachers have visited Shanghai in order to find the reason behind the success of Chinese students. They discovered that China adopts a ‘chalk and talk approach. This is in contrast to the approach employed by other developing countries. 
The list of developing countries includes New Zealand, the UK, the USA, and Australia. Moreover, this collaborative method is a departure from traditional techniques.

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