ed-tech startups

Which Are The Most Remarkable EdTech Startups In India?

BYJU’S huge growth and the Digital India beginning brought the wave of revolution in E-learning. The internet is becoming the origin of tomorrow’s education. It is one of the most remarkable EdTech startups In India.

EdTech startups in India are growing rapidly at an average rate of more than 55%

According to the details of Google and KPMG, the Indian E-learning Market would reach $2 billion by 2021.

ed-tech startups

10 Most Remarkable EdTech Startups In India.

There are many remarkable EdTech startups in India. Some of them are as follows:

1. Adda247

Adda247 is India’s one of the fastest-growing Ed-tech organization which runs bankersadda.com, Career Power, Adda247 Android App, and Adda247 Youtube channel.

2. Alolearning

They have created an add-on syllabus where students Learn through real-world scenarios, inside a classroom.

3. AptusLearn

AptusLearn is a forward-thinking academia project by Aptus Data Labs. It provides different courses in the Data Science domain.


Ask.CAREERS is a Shahani Group started which offers a variety of industry-oriented Post-Graduate & Professional Diplomas in subjects like Management, Banking, Finance, Real Estate, Digital Marketing, Media, etc.

5. AskIITians

The aim of the Askiitians is to give the best possible educational services to engineering students all over India and abroad by using the latest educational software and tools.

6 Asmakam

“Asmakam – World of Creativity” brings different chances to explore creativity within us.

7. Board Infinity

Board Infinity is an Internet career coaching Institute for students & working professionals.

8. Careerpotli

Career Potli offers as “One Stop Destination” in the career growth of a student from the young age of school to achieve a good job profile.

9. Career360

Careers360 is a data-enabled and technology-driven Education system and services organization which aims at enabling students to explore and make structured career decisions based on their interests and skills.

10. Class plus

Class plus is very easy to understand the institute management system to offers conduct online exams, student performance, attendance, fee management and much more on your institute’s mobile application.

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