Quality Education definition, On June 30th, iNurture Education Solutions along with Eduvoice organized a Round Table Discussion on a topic that needed to be talked about collectively in order to bring a transformational solution. The discussion was on “Making quality education affordable and accessible through innovative solutions.” The primary goal of this conversation was to address the disparity in Indian educational institutions between Improve quality education and affordability and accessibility.
These education a lists and top academicians discussed and deliberated on how affordability and accessibility should not become a barrier for the institutions in imparting Improve quality education essay definition and world-class curricula to their students. Here is a summary of the discussions that unfolded.
Output Vs Outcome –
Output must lead to the desired outcome
Professor Rakesh Mudgal discussed the fundamental problem of quality and described quality as a crucial component of growth and development as well as a vital aspect of education. Prof. Rakesh makes a very important point on how both individuals and institutions stop working after the output is acquired, but they should understand that “that” output must result in the intended outcome.
Understanding the distinctions between the strategies to be used, the outputs to be expected, and the outcomes in terms of the calibre of education provided to the students is crucial. Prof. Rakesh also brought up the intriguing point that in order to develop competency inside the system, the course material needs to be integrated with the context of existing as well as changing conditions.
Skilled education, productivity, practicability –
Basic goals of quality education
In front of the panel, Prof. Pramod Naik asked a crucial question: How do you define quality? What are the criteria that one must use to define quality? Quality and productivity must be linked, claimed Professor Pramod. If the current education system can produce those talents which can contribute to society and to themselves, then that is what Improve quality education essay in india.
One of the major challenges of the current education system is being totally farther away from skilled education, practicability, and productivity which are of utmost importance and must be the basic goal and output of quality education in india.
Need to shift from a “To know” to a “To do” education policy
Quoting Professor B.S. Satyanarayana, “Employability has to be the by-product and not the product of education. Excellence must always be the goal of education, and employability will only be possible via excellence.
Professor Satyanarayana also brought up the important topic of the need for the educational system to transition from the “to know” education policy to the “to do” education policy and to integrate skill and knowledge as an education policy. Combining these two will inevitably result in employability. C.V. Raman Global University has made this connection between knowledge and skill-based learning a reality with their educational system by establishing 25 advanced centres with a variety of world skills as a foundation and requiring all students in every discipline to take two skill courses of their choosing.
Hence, systematic thinking, design thinking and project-based activities along with two skills strategy may be the solution to quality education according definition to Professor B.S. Satyanarayana.
Communication – A fundamental skill for achieving success
Professor M.M. Goel makes it very obvious that effective communication skills are crucial if we want to develop career chances that guarantee quality. One cannot find employment unless they are able to communicate effectively, hence language labs in educational institutions are necessary to help students develop their communication abilities.
Professor M.M. Goel discusses the trade-off between Quantity and Quality meaning that if you want more quality it has to be with less quantity, however considering the issue of increasing the Gross Enrolment Ratio, we cannot forego quantity nor can we not impart quality education, therefore Professor M.M. Goel stresses on becoming street smart and understanding the environment around us as well as reconciling the issue of Improve quantity education essay in india and quality education which can be reconciled with communication skills which are needed in every course to make it employable.
Education must enable students to be a part of the society
When we talk about education, improving education quality is a crucial topic. Professor Shrihari mentions that the quality of education definition can also be improved if the student getting an education is actually interested in education. Additionally, in order to raise the standard of education, there must be a significant change in how assessments are conducted.
Professor Shrihari also makes the point that education must enable students to be a part of society. There is a direct link between the complexity of society and the complexity of delivering education to the students and making them enabled. Delivery of education to students in terms of quality and outcomes will be more complicated as society becomes more complex. Professor Shrihari offers ideas for making college more affordable, including scholarships, paying off student debts, and simplifying the loan process.
There are over 40 million students in India, but only 1.3 million educators, down from 1.5 lakh in 2020. It is critical to empower and improve the quality and quantity of the faculty in order to provide students with high-quality education because the faculty will be a crucial differentiator in closing this gap. If the number of students needs to be increased in order to increase the gross enrollment ratio, online education is the only option. But the challenge then comes with the quality of online education.
Innovative approaches like combining holographic, virtual labs, etc. as an integrated solution for students and engaging students not just from an academic perspective but also looking at the affective domain as well as psychometric domain all at once can increase the desirability of online education in terms of quality. In conclusion, a good quality online education could be the answer to the issue that our nation’s existing educational system is facing.