KSOU Demands Exclusive Rights for Distance Education Courses

The teaching and non-teaching faculties of Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) have urged the State government to deny conventional universities from providing distance education courses.

The staff demands immediate implementation to make distance education the sole preserve of KSOU.

They also said conventional universities should not be authorized any further to continue distance education courses and they also firmly backed the higher education council’s view that distance education should be the exclusive preserve of KSOU in the State.

The KSOU employees had a meeting with Deputy Chief Minister Ashwath Narayan, who is also the Minister for Higher Education.

They submitted a memorandum expressing their solidarity with the government for the move to restructure the system.

They said making distance education exclusive to KSOU was one of their long-pending demands.

They said distance education has its own struggles and challenges which conventional varsities are not able to meet.

It required flexibility as one had to attend the masses, some of whom may be devoid of basic education as well.

There is a provision to take the course in either English or Kannada medium under the open learning courses or distance education, they added.

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