AICTE Margadarshan scheme

AICTE Margadarshan Scheme To Push Outcome-Based Education

In the setting of outcome-based education turning into a significant desire from higher educational foundations, the National Institute of Technology – Tiruchi (NIT-T) has started a workshop to empower mentee organizations to conform to prerequisites of the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and open them to the points of interest in accommodation of self-evaluation report (SAR). The six-day national workshop on ‘Viewpoints of Teaching and Learning of Engineering Sciences for Outcome-Based Education’ (NWOBE – 2020) was started on Monday on the virtual platform as the first online class under the aegis of AICTE Margadarshan scheme for more than 110 members from 14 mentee foundations everywhere throughout the State.

There were a few members from establishments in Maharashtra too. The arranging group has roped in prominent asset people speaking to driving higher educational organizations in India and abroad to achieve a worldwide point of view toward higher education.

The themes for the workshop incorporate a point of view and designing curriculum, outcome-based education, dynamic helpful learning and issue-based learning, enthusiastic instructional method, change in a scholarly biological system, online evaluation apparatuses, best practice in methods of appraisal, the job of ICT in instructing and getting the hang of, making arrangements for improved student commitment in study halls, diagram of accreditation, sprout’s scientific categorization, plan obviously outcomes and CO-PO mappings, fulfillment procedure of goals and outcomes, rankings and observation, a commitment of partners in accreditation.

So far eight Faculty Development Programs were composed under the scheme in push zones to assist faculty individuals from mentee establishments. The NIT-T has arranged another workshop named ‘Exploration Methodology for Engineers’ and visitor addresses by prominent industrialists and academicians through video-gathering mode, N. Sivakumaran, Chief coordinator, AICTE Margadarshan Scheme, said.

Initiating the workshop, Dileep N. Malkhede, Adviser – I, AICTE, underlined the significance of accreditation for improvement of the students’ future at national and international levels.

Managing the debut meeting, NIT-T Director Mini Shaji Thomas said content conveyance and collaborations on the online platforms will be the backbone in the future.

The AICTE Margdarshan Scheme, she stated, will persuade the faculty individuals to upgrade showing learning abilities and brief students to think of imaginative thoughts and ventures. The platform will clear path for students to proceed onward to higher educational norms and create research inclination, she said.

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