
Mumbai University Result Fiasco messes up Annual Festival Kshitij

Looks like the repercussions of the results mess by the University of Mumbai (MU) refuse to cease.On the one hand, teachers and colleges are upset after the results mess and prolonged admission process delayed the commencement of semester which have left them little time to prepare for the exams in November and December.On the other hand, students are now lamenting that the decision has forced colleges to either postpone or cancel their annual festivals. For students of Vile Parle’s Mithibai College, second half of the academic year is spent ideating, finding sponsors and planning various events for their annual festival — Kshitij. Like every year, the college had decided to hold the festival in the second week of December.


“The delay in conducting exams has left us helpless because we cannot organise a cultural festival during exam time — November and December. Students are really upset because they have been finding sponsors since the beginning of the year and we are now unsure what to do,” said Rajpal Hande, college principal.


For now, the festival has been scheduled from December 7 to 10, but Hande said a meeting will be called once the college reopens to decide the fate of Kshitij 2017.

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