FM Nirmala Sitharaman

India Needs Industry-Ready Passouts from Educational Institutes, Says FM Nirmala Sitharaman

The need of the hour for education institutions in India is to produce Ready passouts capable of getting into the industry, FM Nirmala Sitharaman said on Saturday.

Students passing out from institutions need to be able to serve the country’s development goals, FM Nirmala Sitharaman said at an event in Chennai. For this to happen, India first needs to understand what the industry requires, she added.

We need to produce students who are capable of getting into industry and getting into the industry which serve India’s development goals. I think this synergy is now achieved by most of the institutions because the government speaks to them and they give inputs to the government and as a result, you (students) are able to get institutions which are absolutely important,


The FM made these comments at the 10th convocation of the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design, and Manufacturing.

Higher education in India is no less when compared to global educational institutions, Sitharaman said. People who studied in Indian universities now constitutes the “second largest contingent when it comes to managing the best of companies around the world,” she noted.

India currently has to depend on other countries for some of its industry needs, particularly in the futuristic and sunrise sectors, which is the reason why Indian manufacturing suffers whenever there is a supply disruption, the FM observed.

If India is to become a land of manufacturing, its institutions must produce industry-ready passouts, she said.

What we need to do now is to make sure we understand what the industry needs and be able to manufacture for ourselves and for the world and that is why industry leaders sitting on the boards of such wonderful educational institutions, which draw talent, which bring in best of skills and ability and which have rigorous learning experiences are very important,

She said.

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