Higher Education

Higher Education Is No Child’s Play, But Do the New Education Policy Makers know?

The answer is “NO” the bearers of the torch of education do not have an idea what the present scenario needs and where we need to throw the ray of light on?

The High Aspirations Of The New Education Policy

The new education policy aims to see the approach of higher education development to a multidisciplinary level by the year 2030. By going through this way of learning the country will have not only graduates but also individuals who have a creative bent of mind and are great problem solvers. They would also have endless employable options as they can be trained to be a perfect fit in any field without much effort.

These graduates will complete a four-year liberal arts and science education (LASE) which will infuse scientific aspect, communication skills, and also make them better socially responsible citizens.

There is also a proposal to build many new liberal arts universities which will ensure a global presence with Indian universities having offshore campuses. Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog headed by the prime minister will be the apex of all these education-related agencies.

Problematic Areas

The Problematic Areas

There are several universities that provide very low-class training but they are able to attract students because of their advertising expertise which boast of collaborative tie-ups with the best institutions. Though they have a higher fee structure they have well-maintained buildings and attractive facilities within the campus. They also provide placements in some of the selected companies abroad which the student can himself or herself get after completing education in a good institution.

Loopholes Inside The Universities

Loopholes Inside The Universities 

The real picture within the premises of the universities is entirely different, like most of them do not have able faculties or at times the number of teachers does not match the demand of the students.

The learning outcomes are not up to the mark and the students fail to get to the desired results. Their learning is improper and they do not develop any proper knowledge. 

These institutions do nothing significant when it comes to research and development, and they do not have any reputed published research for reference. Thesis writing and publishing well-researched articles speak for any institution but that is the main lacking factor in these institutions. We cannot imagine the state of the multi-disciplinary branches of study in these kinds of educational institutions.

READ MORE – All one must know: Draft National Education Policy (NEP) 2019

When we see the state of public colleges or universities it is even more pathetic as they are just fighting the battles to survive to publish good articles, recruiting suitable trainers and improving global standards is a far-fetched dream for them.

Public schools in India get research grants and strive to produce better research but the progress is extremely slow and becomes stagnant at times. They may come out with the best in quantity but they lack the qualitative aspect sadly. Subjects like social sciences and humanities do not have appropriate faculty and grants for research in these areas is also very less.

UGC has now initiated to examine the quality of Ph.D. theses that have been published in the last ten years. This is an area where UGC has to identify and work on its own flaws and rectify them. 

The most important aspect where we need to work on is the filling up vacant positions in most of the universities. The demand and the supply should match to achieve the desired outcomes in education.


Challenges In Higher Education

When we look at the quality of education in India, whether it is the primary or secondary level it does not match the demands of the present working environment. Though the investment is huge in terms of higher education the outcome is not up to the expectations.

Let us discuss the prime areas of concern; several institutions offer only a limited percentage of seats wherein the number of applicants is vast. The choice of institution, courses, availability of seats and the number of applications are all issues which need a serious address to move further into this. 

Now, look at the next significant aspect that is the presence of a suitable faculty for the particular course of study. The institutions offer a lot of courses but the appropriate faculty is a big vacuum to be filled and here the stakeholders will have to come to the rescue. 

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We need to understand another important issue here that most of the institutes that offer higher education do not have quality modules and the necessary digital support too. This does not seem to meet any requirement and we stay stagnant at the place where we had begun.

Regions Of Concern

Does This Hold Well If The Gaps Are Filled And Then Can We Head Further To Look Into Other Regions Of Concern? 

There are several universities which are private; they advertise with pride that they have a rich collaboration with the best global companies. They also have attractive offers, impressive infrastructure and also smart labs and equipment. They have all kinds of sophisticated activities to suit the demands of the new generation and also to prove their excellence. 

All these external features are lucrative enough but the learning objectives which are the significant aspect is hardly given shape or structure. Most of the institutions employ untrained staff on account of low budget and the rest of them does not have updated teaching modules to support the trainers. The ability to train in diverse disciplines is a farfetched dream in these institutions where they are unable to meet the demands of their specific discipline. Many specific areas of teaching lack proper faculties and some even have unfilled positions. 

Instead of moving on to collaborate and open offshore campuses we should focus on improving the facilities at the domestic campus. We must first see to it that our scholars are taken care of rather than enrolling students from other countries just for the sake of international rankings. 


The Present Scenario Of Improper And Unsuitable Faculty

We must begin from the very beginning; the poor quality of education at the foundation level leads to poor availability of good faculty.  Once there are reforms at the basic or school level we can observe the consequent changes at the higher levels. 

What about the toppers from school who do not receive the right guidance or the right place to continue their higher education and then they have to compromise or settle for appointment in non-reputed institutions and organizations? 

READ MORE – All one must know: Draft National Education Policy (NEP) 2019

The draft policy is focusing on bringing in new institutions when the current ones need so many modifications. The policymakers need to aim for the betterment of the existing ones instead of an addition to the number of institutes of higher education. 

Higher Education

The Relevance Of Higher Education 

It is an important area where we need to sweep away the clutter and display the crystal clear development.

Higher education is no way a wonderland but it is a place where the adult individuals place their firm footprints and accomplish their individual objectives to excel and lead a successful life by all means. Unless and until we the best students go in for teaching and writing research papers the Indian higher education is bound to suffer. The policies and regulations can be formulated later once we see to it that we provide the best and leave the rest.


Where We Need To Focus And How?

Before we actually bring in new policies we must ensure the uplifting the already existing educational pattern in the Indian universities. The quality of education matters the most rather than the quantity or number. India is a nation where we have the power of people who are multitasking and multilingual we just need to educate them for their future prospects. There is a need to transform and follow an innovative approach right from the primary level. 

The students who are about to complete their graduation need to be provided with a suitable course in which they will excel further and gain a deeper understanding. Political affiliations should be kept away from all the educational institutions. Students should not only gain knowledge in their own subject but should learn to develop in an overall manner. The reputation of the institute should be improved and made better. Infrastructure should be suitable and not necessarily sophisticated. Encouraging money-minded approach and favoritism should be completely avoided. 

READ MORE – The Gist Of The National Education Policy Lets Contribute Something to it

If the nation is made aware of its particular flaws and the necessary rectifications are made India can certainly emerge as one of the most developed countries in the world. Aspects of equality and awareness in higher education will lead to a reduction of differences in incomes and wealth disparities. India has a huge treasure of untapped talents and abilities which need the right vent to get showcased.

Once we change for the better we can achieve the impossible and the policies and additional measures will prove to be a boon for the higher education sector. The path is clear we just need the right tools and equipment to reach the goal. Indian higher education with its challenges and obstacles will surely make it to its desired final destination. 

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