part-time jobs In China

Foreign Students will be now allowed to take part-time jobs In China

Foreign students studying in Chinese Universities will now be allowed to do part-time jobs In China while studying. This decision has been taken as an attempt to make the higher education system in China more attractive. According to a statement released by the Chinese Ministry of Education, the government of China has introduced a number of reforms that will allow international students studying in Beijing and Shanghai to do internships and part-time jobs off campus subject to approval from their institution and the entry and exit administrative authorities. As per official figures, in 2016 around 4.42 lakh foreign students from 205 countries around the world were reported to have studied in China’s schools and Higher Education Institutes. Out of the total foreign students, only 11.07 per cent students were granted scholarships by the government. China has been a preferred option by medical students from India because of cheaper medical courses as compared to private medical colleges in India. Over 15,000 students most of them being medical students are studying in China. Wang Huiyao, director of Beijing-based think-tank Centre for China and Globalization, said that it makes sense for the country to more broadly expand such innovative policies since it serves the strategy of reinvigorating China’s workforce development. He also said that small and specifically targeted changes are being made to the visa policies and that these changes show the Government’s commitment towards opening more opportunities for the international students by allowing them to take up part-time jobs and internships during studying.  

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