medical and engineering exams

Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal’s reaction to the cancellation of JEE and NEET exam requests

Union HRD Minister on Cancellation of Medical and Engineering Exams 2020

Parents and the aspirants of the medical (NEET) and engineering entrance exams (JEE) this year raised concerns. They raised concerns regarding exams getting conducted in the month of July. Earlier it was expected that with the beginning of the summer season the effect of COVID-19 cases will decrease. But the situation isn’t the same. The number of cases per day is still rising at a greater speed. Loads of advisories have been provided by the government so far. In the run, many higher educations exams have either been canceled or postponed. Looking at the prevailing situation the conduction of examinations might increase the risk of more people getting infected by the virus. The virus outbreak has started showing the effect on the medical and engineering entrance exams too.

The medical entrance exam NEET is scheduled on 26th of July. While the engineering entrance exam, JEE is expected to be conducted between 18th -23rd of July.

Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal said: He has been receiving requests from parents as well as aspirants regarding cancellation of medical and engineering exams. These exams were to be conducted in the month of July.

Also, he mentioned that a committee has been formed to look into the current situation. The committee consists of some officials from the National Agency (NTA) and other experts. The bench will be submitting its recommendations by tomorrow regarding the conduction of the JEE and NEET exams.

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