UGC Guidelines

UGC To Update Guidelines For Intermediate And Final Year Exams

Minister of Human Resource Development (HRD), Ramesh Pokhriyal, said that he has prompted the University Grants Commission (UGC) to return to the guidelines given before for intermediate and terminal semester assessments, and scholastic schedules.

Pokhriyal stated, “The establishment for returned to guidelines will be wellbeing and security students, teachers and staff.”

The UGC Guidelines, in its warning on 29 April, had said that colleges in India may start their new scholarly meeting in August and could supplant intermediate semester assessments with inner methods of evaluation.

Moreover, UGC had additionally said that last year’s assessments would be held in the long stretch of July.

Notwithstanding, on Wednesday, PTI detailed referring to authorities that tests for final year students in colleges and higher education foundations which were to be held in July are probably going to be dropped taking into account the spike in COVID-19 cases and initiation of new meeting prone to be conceded to October.

As per a round gave by the nodal body prior, colleges could start the 2020-21 scholarly meeting from 1 August 2020 for old students and from 1 September 2020 for the new bunch.

The UGC had given these warnings following a nitty gritty report from two advisory groups shaped under it. While one board of trustees took a shot at an elective schedule, the other was entrusted with approaches to direct tests.

It is not yet clear what the new guidelines will say about last year’s tests and Intermediate semester tests.

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