Technology In Education: Facts You Must Know

Technology in Education

Let’s Change The Method Of Learning

With the advancement of technology, it has become easier for all of us to educate our children by showing them videos or pictures. Not only students, technology benefits a lot to the teachers who depend on tools and applications to teach their students by showing the actual depictions and pictures of their respective subjects. As the world is growing and technology playing a vital role in making our lives easier, there is always a positive impact of it when it comes to the educational sector. It can be obviously said that technology is helping the educational sectors to improve their way of teaching by making it digital. Educational technology is currently the hot topic across the globe and is currently dominating the market to a certain extent.

Smart Classes

Why To Opt For Educational Technologies?

Are you looking to onboard effective tools? Let’s look at the pros and cons:

Everyone has their own views when technology is taken into consideration. While some people do not believe in merging technology with education, most of the teachers and school management are in the form of onboarding educational technology in their respective schools and colleges. If we look into facts and figures, there are lots of positive and negative aspects if you are thinking of using educational technology in your school or college. Let’s look into the positive aspects which are actually outperforming the negative ones as people are actually liking the advancements made in the technology. Below are listed are some positive factors:

  • Sharing knowledge online – Lots of teachers can join their hands and share their teachings online which would help the students to educate themselves just by sitting at their respective homes. Teachers can also communicate with the students across the globe and clear their doubts instantly. This approach helps in developing the traditional practice of teaching students.
  • Improving research skills – the main benefit of using educational technology is getting online access to an abundance of knowledge base and books which you can research from anywhere at any given time. Students and teachers can research quality information just by sitting on relevant websites and start reading about the subject line. There are millions of books and information available on the internet which actually enhances and polishes your knowledge base to a great extent.
  • Individual learnings – There are some students in the class who do not have the confidence to ask questions to the teachers in order to clear their doubts. With the advancement of technology, students can now research online and clear their doubts easily. Not only clearing doubts, but they can also gain adequate knowledge about different subjects on which they have interests. There are also some students who are slow in learning when compared to other students. In such cases, you can also take help of educational technologies which helps you in fighting against these types of struggles. Educational technology has also increased scopes for disabled children to gain knowledge and read books online. Students just need to have access to the internet in order to make the most out of it.

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  • Enhancing skillsets – Every student has its own skills. Accessing educational technologies, students can also enhance their skillsets to a certain extent. They can make use of the internet and improve their communication skills, leadership skills, solving complex issues, critical thinking, analytical thinking, presentation skills, writing ethics and etiquettes, practical skills, life skills and so on. Not only students but teachers also can make use of these educational technologies to enhance their teaching skills, student management skills, assessing skills and so on.
  • Improving Engagement – When technology is introduced into lessons, it makes the lessons, chapters, and syllabus easy for the students to learn. Visually presenting the chapters to the students help them in grasping the subjects easily and quickly. If you are a teacher, you can deliver your teaching through gamification which would include taking your students on a virtual trip. Technology helps the students to take active participation in the process of learning without getting distracted or getting bored easily.

What Restricts You?

As every technological product has its own benefits, it accompanies some disadvantages along with it. There is absolutely no doubt that using technology in the educational sector is helpful and productive when compared to the traditional way of teaching, however, it also creates a negative impact on the children. Some of the disadvantages associated with educational technology are listed below: 

  • Distraction – most of the institutions believe that if you give students with a tablet or a phone, there are high possibilities that the students can be distracted. Students generally like to play video games or use social media websites which can cause a lot of distraction for the teachers to offer their teachings. Hence, it is compulsory for you to come up with strict guidelines to mitigate the use of tablets or phones for many different purposes apart from education learnings.
  • Screen time – Most of the students are scared of the fact that students would end up spending most of the time on the screen by using educational technology. It not only harms their health and eyes but also keeps away from the actual reality to some extent. You can make use of the technology in the educational sector but try to allocate some time for the students to spend on the fields or learn lessons in the same traditional way. This would allow students to interact with each other and not spend their time watching educational videos.
  • Restricts social interactions – Using technology restricts to communicate verbally to interact with any other person. It is only the technical voice that is speaking to you. You can use technology to improve oral presentations, group activities, team learning or to enhance any other dynamics in the students. However, it is recommended to have ongoing conversations with your students in order to build a cordial relationship with them.
Benefits Of Educational Technologies

What Benefits Do You Get On Boarding Educational Technologies?

The new age of technology is changing the modern world by making it easy and accessible for people to learn. There are numerous studies conducted by reputed organizations to understand the positive impact of onboarding educational technologies in their institutions. Nowadays, with the introduction of technology in the educational sector, we have noticed a significant growth in the pass percentages of students in the institutions. Some of the remarkable technical modifications within the classrooms that helped the students to achieve good results are listed below:

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  • Smart-Classes – this prominent technology has managed to gain a lot of attention and focus of every institution and is becoming a part of their books of strategies for the rest of the year. With the help of this technology, a teacher can teach their students by showing them movies and videos of all the lessons that are there in the books. Students can watch the lecture videos and learn more about the specific chapter within a short duration of time. They can learn at their own pace and clear whatever doubts they have with their teachers.
  • The effectiveness of theories – Technology has always proved to be effective in any industry. Similarly, it’s proving its effectiveness in the sector of education. There are lecturers, teachers or professionals who offer their valuable teachings in the form of videos which the students can watch in order to easily understand complex theories or theorems. Comprehensive models are introduced in the smart learning technologies which help the students to stay organized and focused. Visual representations of subjects also make it easier for students to learn quickly.
  • Increases students’ outcomes – There are lots of evidence are available now that you can study which proves that using the educational technologies have helped students to fetch good marks in their exams. Not only this, but technology also helps in making the basics and fundamentals strong for each and every child. Digital tools are designed appropriately that offer teachings or learnings to the students, making them gain ample amount of knowledge for any given subject.
  • Making learning fun– the main objective of introducing technology in the educational industry is to make the students learn fun and interactive. As students get bored listening to the teachers, it is a smarter way to show them meaningful videos and making them learn. This also gives them idealistic views and adequate information about the subjects. Students can actively learn and participate in some online quizzes to assess their knowledge regularly. Using educational technologies also makes learning fun by designing curriculums and tests where reward points will be given to the students who win the contests. This way the students also keep themselves engaged and love the way of learning their syllabus. This ultimately helps them in getting improved grades and participate actively in several competitions.
Educational Technologies

The above-listed points hence prove that the benefits of using educational technologies definitely outweigh the cons. Any con can be outcasted if you have the right mindset and powerful reason to onboard educational technologies into your institution. Your primary objective should be researching on the latest enhanced technologies meant for an education sector that makes the learning fun and informative. You can also notice a significant improvement in productivity from both the teachers and students within a short span.

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