Technology for monitoring the railway tracks health using drones developed by IIT Roorkee

monitoring the railway tracks health
A computer vision approach for monitoring the railway tracks health using drones and data from the satellite has been developed by researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee The primary goal of this project is to replace the present manual inspection of the railway tracks with some automated method for the track inspection. Dharmendra Singh, professor and coordinator of this project says that to ensure safety and security, monitoring the health of railway tracks is a very important task in the railway monitoring and inspection system.  He also added that The track monitoring system includes inspection of a number of railroad components like Defected clips and switches, broken and misplaced rail crossings, loose rail fasteners etc. With the passage of time, rail track component suffers from various defects such as rail burns, Rail cracks, a very major problem in the railway industry is the problem of rails being deviated from their proper gauge he said. This new technology Known as “Railtel” will allow the rail track inspection to be conducted by applying techniques of image processing and computer vision over the images from the drone. To obtain useful information regarding the health of the rail tracks a proper analysis of the drone images and the generated data will be done. The new method will improve the overall efficiency, the accuracy and the objectivity of the inspection system which is often difficult to obtain from the present system of human inspection, Mr Singh said. Pre-processing of the data Obtained from the drone, Developing a reasonable, simple and fast algorithm for computer vision, that can process the experimental rail data and reliably find railroad defects, Understanding and comparing the performance of various algorithms will be some of the important  objectives of this new technology.          

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