Tag Archives: Education

How Has The Internet Changed The Education Industry?

online learning

In 1980, schools were just beginning to include computer courses as a standard practice. Today, the way teachers and students use the internet for education mind-blowing. Over the past decade, education has changed dramatically due to the influence and abilities of the Internet. With countless learning tools available at their fingertips, students today can enjoy […]

How Technology Is Important In Education?

Importance of technology in education

What is the Importance of Technology in Education? There are Numbers of reasons why technology is an important aspect of learning in the Education sector. Whether we like it or not, technology is necessary everywhere; and if our students want to survive in post-secondary education and the corporate world, they must be aware of the […]

Is Education an Industry?


Is Education an Industry? Education is undoubtedly an industry and an investment for the future of a nation; together as a means of getting oneself and others. It has worldwide applications with far-reaching impact on humanity. It is an industry because it employs a huge number of people who are involved in teaching, managing, moderating, […]

Why is Education Not an Industry?

education industry

Industry and Education are more than often paired together. We have not seen the words combined within the definition of Industry in the few sources that we have considered. That does not mean they do not appear together somewhere. However, either in the definition of “Industry”, or in a listing of the major classifications of […]