Odisha Education Department

Odisha Education Department Announces Dates For UG/PG Exams

Odisha Education Department has taken a choice on leading undergraduate and post-graduation assessments in the coming months. Recognizing the COVID-19 circumstance, the Higher Education Department of the Odisha Government has chosen to direct the in plus-3 (Plus-lll) last year semester assessments between June 20 and July 24 this year.

What’s more, the post-graduate (PG) last semester assessments will be booked and finished up before August 20. All the previously mentioned assessments were postponed due to the coronavirus lockdown.

As per a Times of India report, the timetable was declared after State Higher Education Minister Arun Sahoo held a gathering with the vice-chancellors through video meetings.

The outcome for definite year undergraduate assessments will be pronounced by August 31 and the last year’s postgraduate outcomes will be declared by September 20.

The state Higher education office secretary Saswat Mishra has said uncovered that the universities have been encouraged to begin regulatory working with 33% of the absolute workforce beginning May 7. The principals and vice-chancellors are taking a shot at a plan to strategize web-based instructing and learning, the report included.

All the colleges and schools across India were closed down beginning March 22, in the wake of the developing coronavirus spread in the country. The quantity of cases in India is on a steady ascent. Be that as it may, the green and orange zones have been given some unwinding in the third lockdown.

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