Dec 22, 2024 08:48 PM IST
Poorly designed roads, flouting of rules by road traffic, and lack of adequate monitoring form the cocktail that is behind most mishaps on India’s roads
The tragic incident in Bengaluru, where a container truck lost balance and fell atop a car (a brand that is arguably the safest in the world), crushing it and killing its occupants highlight three reasons why India has among the most unsafe roads in the world. It is a problem that has left the minister in charge of road transport and highways, Nitin Gadkari, hiding his face in international conferences (as he recently admitted).
The first reason is design. Most Indian roads are poorly designed. They ignore the realities of Indian traffic — its diverse nature as well the road sense, or lack of it, of people.
The second is the complete flouting of rules by most commercial traffic — trucks ply on roads they are not meant to ply on, at all times of day and night, carrying weights they are not meant to bear, and are usually driven by people who are not trained adequately. Modern highways increase the speed at which these trucks travel, further multiplying the risks.
The third is the absence of adequate monitoring. Many transport and police departments exhibit a rentier mindset, or are strapped in terms of people and resources. Their acts of omission and commission mean that crimes, big and small, are a common occurrence across Indian roads. Not all (fortunately) result in accidents, but no self-respecting country would want the safe movement of goods and people to become a game of chance.
All three are exacerbated by human behaviour, but it’s worth remembering that good design, effective laws, and zero-tolerance of violations can change human behaviour for the better.
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