REET Mains Level 2 Result 2023 announced for English, Sindhi, Punjabi & Urdu @

REET Mains Level 2 Result 2023 announced for English, Sindhi, Punjabi & Urdu @

NEW DELHI: The Rajasthan Staff Selection Board has announced the REET Level 2 Result 2023 for English, Sindhi, Punjabi & Urdu today, June 9. The candidates who took the Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers Level 2 can download the result from the official website at
Along with REET Level 2 results 2023, the category-wise cut-off marks for each subject are also being released. Candidates whose names are given in the list of selected candidates will now have to attend the Document Verification (DV) round for which the details will be notified to candidates on the official website in due course.
The Board has already declared the REET Level 2 SST result on June 3 and REET Science-Maths results on June 7, 2023.
Candidates can follow the step-by-step guide shared below to download the REET Level 2 Result 2023 for English, Sindhi, Punjabi & Urdu languages or check the PDF links below that.
How to download REET Mains Level 2 Result 2023?
Step 1: Go to the official website at
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link available for REET Mains results 2023.
Step 3: A new PDF file will open on the screen, check your roll number in the list.
Step 4: Download the PDF and take a printout for further reference.
Direct Link: Result for English
Direct Link: Result for Sindhi
Direct Link: Result for Punjabi
Direct Link: Result for Urdu
The REET Level 2 English exam 2023 was conducted for a total of 8782 vacancies, Sindhi for 9 vacancies, Punjabi for 272 vacancies, and Urdu for 806 vacancies.
The REET Level-II posts (upper primary teachers) examinations were held on February 25, 26, 27, 28, and March 1, 2023. There were two shifts – Shift 1 was conducted from 9:30 AM to 12 Noon and Shift 2 was conducted from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM.
For other information and additional details, candidates are suggested to visit the official website.