5 Ways That Cloud-Based Learning Improves Employee Engagement And Retention Rates

How Cloud-Based Learning Improves Employee Engagement

Cloud-Based Training To Achieve Next-Level Engagement

When an employee quits their job, the boss might assume it’s because they want more money. In some cases, said boss will make you a counteroffer. While the employee may take it, they’ll probably still leave in a few months’ time. Why? Their pay is higher, but their work conditions haven’t changed. Whatever triggered their desire to leave is still there and will come to the surface eventually. From an employer’s perspective, how do you apply a cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) to retain your employees? Is there a way to boost employee engagement so that they emotionally invest in their professional development?

5 Tips To Implement Cloud-Based Learning

1. Keep Things Practical

As they work their way through training tasks, they have a clear goal. They know the exact result of their classes, and they can upskill at their convenience. Because this training is structured with a tangible target, your trainees are more engaged. They’re not just studying for the sake of studying; they’re acquiring or improving a specific skill set that will improve on-the-job performance. To ensure maximum results, keep your advancement path task-based. For example, don’t just teach them a new language to improve their networking opportunities. Train them in French, brand promotion, and public speaking. Your cloud-based LMS gives them a chance to target individual goals whenever it suits their schedule. Not to mention personalize the process by choosing on-the-go activities that align with their job duties and roles.

2. Offer Moment-Of-Need Support Tools

The primary advantage of cloud-based learning is access. Trainees (and trainers) can log in from anywhere in the world. All they need is a working internet connection and a compatible device. On a macro scale, it allows you to train remote employees or colleagues in other office branches. On a micro level, it facilitates assistance in JIT situations. For example, say a delivery person has left the office with a package. When they reach the customer’s premises, the customer claims they didn’t make the order. Your delivery person can quickly log in for some emergency assistance. They might find tips on verifying the order to ensure it’s the right premises. Or it’ll show them how to cancel the order and reroute it. Employees are more likely to remember the information if it’s in bite-sized does they can access during their moment of need. But it will also help you retain your top talent since you’re providing them with flexible, ongoing support.

3. Help Them Venture Up The Corporate Ladder At Their Own Pace

Often, when an employee requests a raise or a promotion, it’s for two reasons. Maybe their lifestyle has changed (newly married, new addition to the family, etc.), so they need more income. Or maybe they feel under-utilized at work, so they want to do more. As a boss, it’s easy to dismiss their claims, especially when you can’t justify a raise from a corporate perspective. However, a cloud-based learning platform can help you help them advance so that they earn the next rung on that corporate ladder. Chart a progress path for them, showing them what promotion options are available and what they’d need to earn them. Then use your cloud LMS to provide the skills that lead to their new role and master related tasks.

4. Focus On EQ

Emotional intelligence (soft skills) is crucial for corporate success regardless of the employee’s job title. In the example above, hard skills would make your delivery employee double down. They would show the customer the order document, verify they actually made the order, then insist they accept it. This could end up with the customer feeling harassed and slamming the door. Or their neighbors may see the “heated exchange” and get the wrong impression of your company. If your delivery person could ask for a moment to consult the office, they might glance at their phone. They could log into the office LMS and be prompted to take a soft skills approach. For example, they might use empathetic listening to ask some leading questions. Then discover the person ordered in secret and doesn’t want anyone to know about their purchase.

5. Involve Leadership

People skills make trainees more confident. They feel equipped to handle trickier aspects of their jobs, things they didn’t learn in school. They include leadership, communication, and collaboration. An anytime, anywhere cloud-based Learning Management System lets managers get active. They can remotely recommend what courses your trainees should take or assign them training tasks that your staff can complete whenever it’s most convenient. If the team leader suggests it, you’re more likely to do it. Just be sure management couches it as advice, not demands or orders. You want buy-in, not coercion and stress.


It’s possible to train your team into staying longer. This doesn’t mean you teach them to push their limits to the point that they burn out. It means you grant them the type of skill set that makes them enjoy their jobs better. They feel accomplished, competent, and fulfilled, so they’re confident at their jobs and have a healthier sense of self. This kind of employee is less likely to be actively job-hunting. So how can you use cloud-based learning to achieve this? Invite your managers to craft course combinations targeted at specific job packets. This helps trainees focus on a particular promotion or raise instead of abstract training in a theoretical vacuum. Keep your training practical and task-based with an emphasis on soft skills. JIT resources help, too.

Choose the best cloud-based learning system for your remote employees and external partners. You can use our exclusive online directory to filter your search results by features, pricing model, and use case to expedite the selection process.