eLearning For Employee Development: 5 Onboarding Techniques

eLearning For Employee Development: 5 Onboarding Techniques

Onboarding With eLearning For Employee Development

Meet Alex. On the first day at her new job, Alex felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. Without proper guidance, she could easily be overwhelmed, spending weeks, if not months, figuring out her role, the company culture, and the exact expectations. This isn’t just Alex’s story; it’s a tale as old as corporate time. In the past, Alex would’ve been handed a pile of documents and maybe attended a long lecture. But today, there’s a transformative tool at Alex’s fingertips: eLearning. It’s no longer about just “onboarding.” It’s about integrating, engaging, and evolving.

By utilizing eLearning for onboarding and employee development, it isn’t just digitized—it’s personalized. It transforms a one-size-fits-all approach into a tailored experience, harnessing technology to address individual needs and pace. And it doesn’t stop there; award-winning onboarding via eLearning ensures consistent development, ensuring that the growth trajectory is always upward. In this article, we’ll explore five onboarding techniques using eLearning for employee development. As the world embraces the digital age, isn’t it time our onboarding methods reflect the sophistication and efficiency our new employees deserve?

Onboarding Technique #1: Virtual Ice Breakers

Why should your employees face the cold to break the ice when they can warm up from behind their screens? Make eLearning for employee development cozier and more engaging! Starting in a new corporate setting can be overwhelming. We often expect employees to fit right in, but that’s not always easy. Virtual icebreakers help new hires ease into the company culture and get acquainted with their peers without the pressure of in-person first impressions.

An Example

Instead of formal introductions over a video call, how about an online team trivia game? The clues? Fun facts about their colleagues. They’ll soon find out that Raj from IT is a weekend cricket champ or that Sarah in sales has traveled to 30 countries.


  • Skip the awkward starts
    No one likes those initial hiccups. Virtual icebreakers help employees dive into team interactions with confidence.
  • Build team rapport
    The faster they connect, the better they collaborate.
  • Inclusivity is key
    These virtual activities ensure everyone, regardless of their tech skills, feels included.
  • Boost to eLearning for employee development
    When employees start on a positive note, they’re more invested in ongoing learning initiatives.

How To Do It

  • Survey says
    Before starting, send out a survey to gather fun facts about your employees.
  • Choose your platform
    Use online tools to set up your virtual icebreaker game.
  • Schedule the session
    Make it a part of the onboarding process. Perhaps on day two or three, once initial formalities are done.
  • Encourage participation
    Ensure everyone gets involved. Consider having small prizes or shout-outs for active participants.
  • Feedback loop
    After the session, ask for feedback. What did they like? What could be improved? This ensures even better icebreakers for the next batch of hires.

With virtual icebreakers, your new hires will not just know the names of their colleagues, but they’ll have memorable stories to associate them with.

Onboarding Technique #2: Offline And Blended Gamification

Mixing traditional games and modern eLearning techniques can be as rejuvenating as blending your morning coffee with an energy booster. This approach to utilizing eLearning for employee development offers a dynamic burst of energy. Deploying eLearning for employee development isn’t confined to snazzy online platforms. It’s also about real-world games and activities that happen right in your office’s meeting room. Add to that the blended training sessions with gaming excitement and online gamified modules. You’ve got an exciting cocktail of learning avenues.

An Example

Let’s take the evergreen “Pass the Parcel.” Reinvented for an office setting, the parcel could contain a work-related scenario or challenge. As the music halts and a layer is unwrapped, an employee faces a spontaneous task. Merge this with blended training: every unwrapping could be paired with a QR code, guiding them to an online module or quiz. And for those who cherish the virtual world, a fully online version allows employees to “pass the parcel” digitally, with challenges unfurling on their screens.


  • Offline fun
    Real-world games evoke our inherent love for hands-on experiences, fostering team spirit and immediate engagement.
  • Blended bliss
    Merging offline activities with online modules results in a seamless learning experience. If a game at work highlights a skill gap, the online component of eLearning for employee development can address it.
  • Online excellence
    Pure online gamification, curated for individual progress, offers adaptability, real-time updates, and the thrill of global leaderboards.

How To Do It

  • Stay grounded
    Start with classic games. Adapt them to resonate with your company’s vibe.
  • Blend wisely
    After any offline game, ensure an accompanying online module to reinforce learning.
  • Fully digital, fully dynamic
    Harness gamified platforms to architect entirely online quests. Incorporate challenges, badges, and competitive elements.
  • Feedback fiesta
    Regardless of the mode—offline or online—gather feedback. Learn what clicked and what missed.
  • Rinse and repeat
    The essence of gamification is its dynamic nature. Keep iterating based on feedback, ensuring a perpetually fresh learning ambiance.

Onboarding Technique #3: Personalized Learning Paths For Employee Development

Deploying onboarding through eLearning for employee development isn’t just about digital platforms and endless slides; it’s about crafting a custom-made journey for each new hire. Create an onboarding experience tailored to each individual.

Diving into personalized learning paths is like stepping into a tailor’s studio, but for “eLearning for employee development.” Instead of fabrics, we have tools. Every new employee needs a buddy. Buddies, like Rahul, serve as trusty guides, ensuring no one’s left fumbling in the dark. Meanwhile, those personalized welcome videos from management? Think of them as the designer tags of the company, a first-hand glimpse into the brand’s essence.

An Example

Last month, Jake, a new hire, received a welcome video with the company’s VP demonstrating a typical day—from morning coffee mishaps to after-hours brainstorming. The CEO even made a cameo, sharing her favorite office snack. Jake didn’t just see a management video; he got a backstage pass into the company’s day-to-day life!


  • Warmth and familiarity
    Personalized paths infuse a human touch into eLearning for employee development.
  • Living directories
    Buddies, like Rahul, offer real-time help, preventing feelings of isolation or confusion.
  • Management icebreakers
    Custom videos showcase leadership’s lighter side, making them more approachable.
  • Rapid inclusion
    Tailored experiences fast-track an employee’s transition from a newbie to a team insider.

How To Do It

  • Newbie knowledge
    Use fun quizzes or surveys to grasp their learning preferences. Are they podcast lovers or infographic enthusiasts?
  • The buddy system
    Align new hires with seasoned pros like Rahul. It’s a synergy of experience meeting fresh perspectives.
  • Director’s cut
    Get management to create short, candid videos about their roles or department visions. A blooper or two doesn’t hurt!
  • Feedback flow
    Regularly check-in. Refine the eLearning path based on reactions. Perhaps Alex leans towards interactive sessions while Sam enjoys deep dives.

Onboarding Technique #4: Interactive Content

In eLearning for employee development, interactive content isn’t just the future; it’s the now. Through the power of SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) and other interactive frameworks, eLearning has transformed from a monologue to an engaging conversation. Think of it as a digital playground, where every slide offers employees a swing or a slide to engage with! Interactive content takes employee development to the next level, requiring active participation. From quizzes that challenge, case studies that present real-world dilemmas, and group discussions that spark debates, to scenario-building simulations that offer a sandbox to play and learn in—the digital learning realm is rich and diverse.

An Example

Consider a module on crisis management. After learning the theoretical aspects, employees enter a simulation where they’re the decision-makers during a company crisis. Every choice they make alters the scenario’s outcome, allowing them to witness the ripple effect of their decisions. It’s like a Virtual Reality game, except the lessons learned stick long after the game ends.


  • Engagement booster
    Interactive content holds attention much better than static slides.
  • Active learning
    Learners become active participants, not passive listeners.
  • Real-life applications
    Case studies and simulations immerse employees in real-world scenarios.
  • Collaborative learning
    Group discussions promote peer learning and diverse perspectives.
  • Higher retention
    Interactive elements, like drag-and-drop activities, enhance memory retention.

How To Do It

  • SCORM-ify your content
    Convert your existing modules to SCORM-compatible formats for greater interactivity.
  • Self-paced modules
    Incorporate drag-and-drop activities, and other interactive elements to make these modules dynamic and engaging.
  • Case study collections
    Collaborate with departments to gather stories, converting them into case studies.
  • Debate days
    Monthly sessions debating industry trends or hypothetical scenarios.
  • Interactive quizzes
    Integrate pop quizzes at the end or middle of modules to keep learners on their toes.
  • Role-plays
    Let employees understand various perspectives through acting.

Onboarding Technique #5: Regular Feedback And Support

Ever had that moment when you handed over a shiny new gadget to someone and then watched in horror as they struggled to find the “on” button? That’s how the onboarding process can feel for employees without the right feedback and support. In the realm of eLearning for employee development, this balance of timely feedback and ongoing support is crucial. The goal? To ensure that the employees don’t feel like they’re entering an alien world with no instruction manual.

Feedback is the immediate mirror reflecting an employee’s understanding. It’s that vital checkpoint ensuring they’re absorbing, not just observing. How can you get a direct line to the employee’s thought process? On the flip side, support is a long-term commitment. It whispers, “Hey, remember this?” just when they’re about to forget. With content and tools that refresh and remind, support extends its hand well beyond the confines of a training session, ensuring the journey from newbie to pro is smooth and filled with reminders.

An Example

During a software training session led by L&D expert Harry, he drops a quick poll asking about comfort with a feature named “StarLink.” He discovers that Deepika, a new recruit, and 70% of the team are still unsure. Instead of moving forward, Harry pivots, clarifying doubts and then introducing microlearning videos and guides specifically about “StarLink.” A few weeks in, Deepika stumbles on a project, but with Harry’s summary guide at hand, she swiftly navigates through.


  • Immediate course correction
    Polls give a snapshot of real-time comprehension, avoiding pitfalls before they become chasms.
  • Ongoing reinforcement
    Microlearning nuggets act as knowledge touchpoints, ensuring the training’s essence remains vivid.
  • Accessible recap
    Summary guides are like a trusty compass, always pointing back to the key training takeaways.
  • Beyond-the-clock support
    With resources available round-the-clock, employees never feel abandoned post-training.

How To Do It

  • Incorporate polls
    Use poll tools during training sessions. It’s an instant mood ring for employee understanding.
  • Develop microlearning content
    Turn complex topics into digestible nuggets. This could be short videos, infographics, or quick quizzes.
  • Craft summary guides
    Create concise, visually appealing recap notes of training sessions. Ensure they’re easily accessible to all employees for quick referencing.
  • Seek feedback on feedback
    Encourage employees to share their views on the feedback methods and support materials. It helps refine the onboarding process even further.

Making eLearning For Employee Development The Star Of The Show

Let’s face it, deploying onboarding via eLearning for employee development is no longer just a bonus; It’s where efficiency meets engagement. Through the vibrant world of virtual icebreakers, the blend of gamification, and the deep dives into personalized learning paths, we’re covering all bases.

But wait, there’s more! The unsung hero of eLearning for employee development is interactive content. Think case studies turned digital scavenger hunts or group discussions transformed into interactive forums. Then, tie all this interactive goodness together with timely feedback, peppered with microlearning refresher bites. Concise, catchy, and oh-so-comprehensive. As you gear up to deploy eLearning for employee development initiatives like onboarding, remember to sprinkle in some humor. Because in the world of eLearning, laughter might just be the secret sauce to retention. Embracing interactive content not only keeps learners engaged but also sparks curiosity, ensuring each learning experience becomes a memorable experience. Onward to delightful learning!


Dealing with various outsourcing vendors can be a hassle and drain resources. Thinkdom Learning Solutions streamlines the process by providing engaging and cost-effective solutions for all your online training needs in one place.

Originally published at www.thinkdom.co.