BPSC Drug Inspector 2023 exam date and time announced, complete schedule here

BPSC Drug Inspector 2023 exam date and time announced, complete schedule here

BPSC Drug Inspector 2023: The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has released the examination date and time of the recruitment exam for the Drug Inspector. Candidates who have registered for the recruitment can check the complete examination schedule here.
As per the schedule, the Drug Inspector written examination will be conducted from July 07 to 10, 2023 in two shifts – 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM and 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The Commission aims to fill a total of 55 vacancies for the post of Drug Inspector through this recruitment drive.
BPSC Drug Inspector 2023 Exam Schedule

Shift-I (10: 30 AM to 12:30 PM) Shift-II (2:00 PM to 5:00 PM)
July 07 Pharmaceutics (Part-I) Pharmaceutical Analysis (Part-II)
July 08 Medicinal Chemistry (Part-I) Pharmacognosy (Part-II)
July 09 Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education (Part-I) Pharmacology and Toxicology (Part-II)
July 10 Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence and Hospital Pharmacy (Part-I) Microbiology (Part-II)

Also, the BPSC Drug Inspector Admit Card will be hosted one week prior to the examination on the official website of the Commission at bpsc.nic.in. Candidates must note that the BPSC will not send the hall tickets via Post. For more updates, candidates are advised to keep checking the official website of BPSC regularly.