International Conference on Education & Management

International Conference on Education & Management ICEM 2019

“Academic Research International Conference”
International Conference on Education & Management ICEM 2019 will provide an interdisciplinary platform for academics, researchers, policymakers, activists, students, and professionals. The IAARHIES international conferences are subject-based and the delegates are at a free hand to choose the topic of their respective research paper from the wide range of the topics from their subject of expertise. The conference will promote a critical understanding of the innovative and organic approaches from the subjects of Education and Management towards respective development. As the fields of Education and Management cross over into multiple areas and disciplines, authors are welcome to submit from a range of topics, perspectives, and disciplines. The range of research submissions may include conceptual, empirical, experimental, and case studies.

Conference Details:

Important dates to remember:

Conference: 10-11 September 2019

Call for papers deadline: 30 August 2019

Early bird registration: 20 July 2019

Last date to submit final abstract/full paper: 30 August 2019

Conference Venue: 

The Retreat Hotel & Convention Centre, Erangal Beach, Madh Island, Marve Road, Malad (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400061 India

General Conference Information:

Academicians and researchers are invited to submit full-length papers, research-in-progress papers, case studies, doctoral dissertation, or abstracts to “IAARHIES 156th International Conference on Education & Management ICEM – 2019 which will be held in Mumbai, India on 10-11 September 2019. The Call for Papers and Posters will be open until 30 August 2019.  

The two days, International, peer-reviewed conference will provide an interdisciplinary platform for academics, researchers, policymakers, activists, students and professionals and the topics of interest for submission may include from the vast field of Education and Management. The delegates are at a free hand to choose any topic of their interest from these field of learnings i.e. education and management. As the fields of Education and Management cross over into multiple areas and disciplines, authors are welcome to submit from a range of topics, perspectives, and disciplines. The range of research submissions may include conceptual, empirical, experimental, and case studies. The conference will be an excellent opportunity for those involved in international education and exchange to network with accomplished colleagues and stay current with the latest trends in the industry. 

The Rationale behind the conference is to provide an opportunity and platform to channelize the various multidimensional and multidisciplinary streams of Education and Management. Education is a vast topic and covers infinite horizons.  In simple ways by education, we mean empowering the active participants in the overall transformation on smaller as well as bigger levels by preaching, training programs and various means to full fill various needs. With education, we learn to deal and control various things and this is how we learn to manage as well.

Benefits of Attendance:

  • All the accepted papers will be published in the IAARHIES international Journal of Innovative Research in Education & Management ISSN No. : 2456-785X.
  • Raise your profile through networking and engagement with researchers at all career stages.
  • Showcase your research and develop research ideas through discussion and feedback from experienced colleagues.
  • Connect with researchers and explore opportunities within and beyond your areas of specific research interest through discussion sessions and a variety of other events.
  • Three best presentation awards.
  • Young Researcher award.

About abstract Submission Process and Proceedings for ICEM – 2019:

Full papers are welcome, but not required at the time of registration. Before a paper or poster is invited for presentation at the ICEM – 2019,

 Oral, poster and virtual presenters shall be included in the Proceedings. The submitted abstract would be evaluated by volunteer subject matter experts from industry, government, and academia. Abstracts are double-blind reviewed – the evaluators are not provided the author names and vice versa. Authors whose abstracts are selected by the IAARHIES’s review panels will be invited to present their respective papers with 25 minutes’ platform presentations.

Mode of Presentation:

  • Oral Presentation,
  • Poster Presentation,
  • Virtual Presentation 
  • Listener

The venue of the Event & Tentative Schedule:

The conference will be held in The Retreat Hotel & Convention Centre, Erangal Beach, Madh Island, Marve Road, Malad (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400061 India on 10-11 September, 2019. All the session will be organized from 10.00 am (Local time) to 5.00 pm on each day. The detailed schedule and venue details would be mailed to the registered delegates 10 days prior to the conference.


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