India and Norway

India and Norway Collaborate In Field Of Research And Higher Education

India and Norway on Tuesday marked an aggregate of four memoranda of understanding (MoUs) in the field of research and higher education.

An appointment of unmistakable education and research organizations from Norway drove by Director-General, Anne Line Wold, Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research is in the capital today.

The marking of MoUs was seen by Norwegian Ambassador to India, Hans Jacob Frydenlund and the leader of the appointment.

The MoUs marked between two nations incorporate one between Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and UiT, The Arctic University of Norway for participation in fields, for example, bio-photonics, wellbeing and demonstrative instruments, nanotechnology, water the board and a sustainable power source.

The other MoU that has been marked is between Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology and UiT, The Arctic University of Norway to encourage the trading of understudies and staff and unite joint endeavors towards venture activities in national and EU field.

MoUs have likewise been marked between IIT, Jammu and Norwegian University of Science and Technology and IIT Mandi and Norwegian University of Science and Technology with an exceptional focal point of exercises in Landslides, Tunnels, Water Management, Hydropower, Project-based learning, Student and researchers versatility and Cold area advances.

“The meeting designation from Norway has had productive gatherings with their Indian partners to talk about expanded understudy versatility among Norway and India. As a piece of the Norwegian government’s India Strategy 2030, research participation and higher education are of high significance in our respective relationship,” the Norwegian Ambassador said on the event.

“This visit is a key advance towards accomplishing the objectives of a more grounded and more profound reciprocal association with India in the field of higher education and I anticipate building up this further in the years to come,” Frydenlund included.

Executive General Anne Line Wold additionally expressed that India is a significant key accomplice for Norway.

“For Norway, investigating potential accomplices and associating researchers and organizations with their partners in India is amazingly critical. During this visit, we have had an amazing discourse with the Indian specialists and found a few regions of regular intrigue that will profit the two nations. We likewise would like to see an expanded understudy versatility among India and Norway,” said Wold.

A month ago, India and Norway concurred that the dynamic idea of exchange and investment between the two nations will bring about an expanding number of organizations keen on setting up and accessing the business sectors in the two sides.

During the primary session of India-Norway Dialog on Trade and Investment (DTI), met in the national capital on January 15-16, the two sides traded sees on investment openings accessible in the individual nations.

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