Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras are utilizing artificial intelligence(AI) tools to study the processes involved in the transformation of biomass to gaseous fuel. If done through hands-on experiments, gaining such expertise is both time-consuming and expensive, whereas, if done through computer simulations and modeling studies, the insights are obtained quicker, which can be utilized to construct the processes and plants for biomass processing.
Biomass fuel is a Practical Solution
- As environmental concerns associated with petroleum-derived fuels are increasing, biomass is a practical solution.
- It is a practical solution not only in the traditional sense of directly burning wood, cow dung cakes, and coal but also in the form of an energy-dense fuel source.
- Researchers all across the world are trying to figure out how to extract fuel from biomass like wood, grass, and even waste organic stuff.
How is Biomass fuel Important for India?
Biomass-derived fuels are especially crucial to India since the nation’s present biomass availability is projected at 750 million metric tonnes per year, and producing fuel from it can greatly aid the country in achieving fuel self-sufficiency.
How is AI Being used to Study Biomass fuel Production?
- Even though models are being developed across the world to understand the conversion of biomass into fuels and chemicals, a majority of these models take a long time to become operational.
- The modeling processes can be hastened by using Artificial Intelligence tools like Machine learning and
- An ML method called Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) was used by the IIT Madras research team to study the reactions occurring during the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into energy-dense syngas (gasification of biomass).
- The IIT Madras research group also uses AI tools for socially relevant and environmentally beneficial processes such as carbon capture (the capture of CO2 to prevent climate change) and the electrification of the chemical industry.
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