Panjab University

Hike by 5% in the Fee of affiliated colleges of Panjab University

All the affiliated schools of Panjab University will likely get a hike of 5 percent in the fees from this new session. The Senate, after deliberating on the difficulty of rationalisation and revision of payment construction, examination payment and all different expenses, resolved to an general payment hike for affiliated schools to the college in Chandigarh and Punjab. Though, there shall be no improve in late charge admission expenses.

The earlier Senate meeting, an general payment hike of 10 per cent was authorised on the college for brand spanking new entrants to conventional and self-financing programs in 2018-19 while it caught to a 5 per cent improve for ongoing college students.

The Syndicate is the governing body of the PU.  188 colleges are affiliated to the PU. The decision to hike the fee will impact close to 2.5 lakh students and this is for both tuition and examination fee.

The Dental Council of India with easy majority vote elected Prof Jagat Bhushanas the director of the Dr H S Decide Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital and Dr Devinder Dhawan has been given the extra extension of one year to the submit of Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Bhai Ghanaiya Ji Institute of Health, punjab University, for a year.

The House uniformly accepted the extension of Prof Emanual Nahar as the Dean of Scholar Welfare (Men) and Prof Neena Caplash as DSW (Ladies) for one year which will impact from June 1, 2018.The meeting of Prof Ranjan Kumar of the division of physics as Affiliate DSW for a period of 1 year with effect from June 1 was also authorised.




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