Disproportionate Teacher-Pupil Ratio (TPR) Hits JK Education

The deficiency of students or the surplus teachers in J&K’s Higher Education department has caused disproportionate Teacher Pupil Ratio (TPR), making an adverse effect on quality education.

As per the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2018-10, J&K has 1:36 and 1:26 Teacher Pupil Ratio in regular and distance mode, and regular mode separately in all institutions.

In any case, Commissioner Secretary to Government Higher Education department, Talat Parvez Rohella disclosed to Rising Kashmir that the institutions should have a TPR of 1:65.

“As a rule, the TPR for higher education ought to be around 1:65. I think we have enough teaching staff starting at now,” he said.

Talat said the TPR for undergraduate courses was 1:60 and 1:30 for postgraduate courses.

The AISHE report peruses that J&K has a TPR of 1:53 in regular and distance mode courses and 1:37 in regular mode among the universities and schools of J&K.

In like manner, in the universities and its constituent units, the J&K’s Higher Education department has a TPR of 1:62 in regular and distance mode courses and 1:14 in regular mode courses.

The report peruses that in J&K an aggregate of 4153 instructors and assistant professors were in universities and schools.

Plus, 141 demonstrators and tutors are likewise posted in these institutions.

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