Narcissist. An early beauty.

One of the first flowers blooming in gardens in early spring is the golden handsome narcissus. Gardeners, faced with it once, can no longer give up this unpretentious and easy-to-care plant. They, as a symbol of the sun and spring, delight the eye and awaken from hibernation. You can easily extend the time of admiring this amazing flower if you choose varieties for your garden that bloom at different times. And then every spring, they will delight you in a wave, starting from the middle of spring and until the summer itself.

As mentioned earlier, flowers are unpretentious, but there are several rules that should be followed and the result will not disappoint you. Let's analyze them in stages:

1. Choose an onion.
Pay attention to the planting bulbs, they should be dry and of a pleasant color, without signs of mold. The density of the scales also indicates its quality, the denser the better. And, of course, there should be no damage to the bulbs. Depending on the purpose of planting, rapid flowering or reproduction, choose bulbs by size. In the first case, these will be large specimens, in the second - small ones. It is not necessary to buy material for planting in advance, it is better to do it immediately before planting.

2. Boarding time.
If you focus on the central part of Russia, the optimal time for planting is the end of summer, the first week of autumn. At this time, the night temperature stays within eight to ten degrees. It is important that the plants take root before the onset of night frosts.

3. Location
It is important to remember that daffodils successfully grow in one place for quite a long time, and you choose the place of their flowering for a long time. The main thing in choosing a place is sunlight, even if it is part-time. The flower has a very negative attitude to excess water, which often leads to rot in the root system and damage to the bulbs. It is also recommended to avoid heavily drained areas.

4. The soil.
This is the only condition that you will not be able to change on your own. But this is not critical for daffodils, they easily grow and bloom in any soil. But, of course, there are preferences - loam. If your soil does not match the flower's preferences, then simply remove the top layer and replace it yourself.

Experiment with different varieties and colors in the format of a single flowerbed - the flower will shock you with its splendor and unpretentiousness. It will take its place in your garden and in your heart. Moreover, the mobile compatibility of Parimatch Casino allows players to enjoy Aviator on the go. The mobile app is well-optimized, providing a seamless experience whether you`re at home or out and about. This flexibility makes it easier than ever to join in on the action.