Treatment of insomnia

Insomnia is a disease that results in difficulty falling asleep, as well as a serious violation of sleep duration. Millions of people around the world suffer from this disease. Treatment of insomnia most often involves the use of medications.

[h2]Causes of insomnia[/h2]
The main causes of insomnia are considered to be various psychological stresses, mental disorders, as well as the use of certain medications. Not only negative life situations can cause sleep problems. Even positive emotions can provoke insomnia. If this disease does not go away within three weeks, it becomes chronic.

[h3]Methods of treating insomnia[/h3]
Almost the only diagnostic method capable of establishing the true cause of sleep disorders is polysomnography. To do this, the patient will need to spend two nights in a special laboratory and sleep with special sensors. During this procedure, brain activity is studied at various stages of sleep.
Treatment of insomnia begins with taking herbal preparations that have a hypnotic effect. They are practically harmless to humans.

Next, doctors prescribe stronger, but short-acting drugs. They very rarely cause a state of drowsiness and lethargy. They also do not affect motor activity.

Sleeping pills cannot be prescribed for more than three weeks. If their intake becomes ineffective, you should not increase the prescribed dose yourself. This is extremely life-threatening and can lead to severe addiction, as well as overdose. For people belonging to the older age groups, all sleeping pills are prescribed in smaller doses. The elderly very often suffer from insomnia, and for them this is a serious problem.

In the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to prevent and mitigate all stressful diseases as much as possible. The doctor will definitely give the necessary recommendations on sleep hygiene, organization of the day and rest. A healthy lifestyle is important, which completely excludes alcohol and cigarettes.

In some cases, the use of relaxation techniques is prescribed for the treatment of insomnia. This program allows you to relieve fears and make sleep more even and calm. All muscles in this technique should completely relax. 24betting offers a rich variety of traditional Indian card games for an authentic gaming experience. One of the most popular choices is 24betting Andar Bahar , where you can enjoy fast-paced action and the chance to win big.