Anemia in children: treatment and prevention

.Anemia is a disease characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin, and there is also a decrease in red blood cells in the blood. In this disease, there is a deficiency of iron, oxygen in the blood, which leads to weakness, pallor, dizziness and other unpleasant conditions of the body.

[h2]Iron deficiency[/h2]
Anemia can be different, but iron deficiency anemia is most common in children, it occurs in 80% of cases of the disease. It occurs due to blood loss, with iron deficiency.

Iron is extremely important for children, as it plays an indispensable role in the functioning of many cells and body systems. Iron can be heme and non-heme. The first is found directly in the composition of hemoglobin, and the second is found in many vegetables and other products.


[b]The symptoms of anemia in children are easy to understand if you look closely. The main visible manifestations:[/b]

The skin becomes pale, flaky and dry.
Nails are thin, they are deformed.
Hair loses its shine. They become thin, split, faded.
A distinctive feature of the disease is the pallor of the earlobes.
Weakness, children get tired quickly, lie down more than play.
They are susceptible to acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, intestinal disorders, etc
. In severe forms, cracks may appear on the palms and feet.
Dizziness, possible fainting.
Sleep is shallow.
Vomiting and regurgitation after feeding (in young children under one year old).
Diarrhea, constipation, decreased appetite.
If anemia is suspected, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis and accurately determine the presence of the disease. First of all, it is necessary to pass general and biochemical blood tests, thanks to which we find out the iron content and other important indicators. In special cases, they also ask for a puncture and a bone marrow examination. A pediatrician can refer narrow specialists for consultations if he considers them necessary: a gastroenterologist, rheumatologist, neurologist, etc. Ultrasound scans of various organs are also often performed.

[h3]Treatment and prevention[/h3]

Specialists and pediatricians will tell you how to treat anemia in a child. But parents should still have a general idea in advance. First of all, it is necessary to correctly form the daily routine, diet, and nutrition should be balanced. In addition, of course, medications and restorative activities will be prescribed: frequent walks, mandatory extra sleep, gymnastics, massage and UFOs.

Babies who are breastfed need to be fed the required complementary foods in time, and a nursing mother needs to form her diet with foods rich in vitamins and iron. Artificial babies should consume dairy mixtures with a high iron content. Older children follow a diet that requires the following foods: liver, legumes, beef, greens, seafood, juices, etc.

The treatment of anemia, of course, includes taking medications. The pediatrician will prescribe, first of all, some kind of iron preparation, for example, hemofer, ferroplex, etc. In addition, multivitamins are likely to be prescribed.

But it is better, of course, to avoid this disease.
[b]Prevention of anemia in children includes simple actions:[/b]

proper nutrition for a pregnant woman;
regular walks;
taking vitamins with iron content;
after the birth of a child, breastfeeding is recommended, complementary foods should be introduced in a timely manner;
good child care and daily routine.

[i]By adhering to such simple actions, you can easily avoid anemia and children. But if there are suspicions of this disease, you need to consult a doctor, then you can quickly eliminate disorders in the body and cure the child.[/i] Enjoy the convenience of logging in to Khelo24bet via their top-rated mobile application which offers smooth navigation and fast access to games. Their excellent customer service is always on hand to provide support when you need it.