machine learning

A Deep Dive Into Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning With Mr. Indrajit Kar

“It’s the Knowledge that matters for me and not the tier of the college that the fresher belongs to. “- Indrajit Kar

Artificial Intelligence has become an integral part of our lives. Nowadays, everything takes place at the touch of a button or a voice command. All of this has been highly efficient and has rapidly evolved via the concepts of Machine Learning

Machine learning is literally how people evolve their software’s to learn and adapt to tasks and commands. All of it seems like a futuristic dream but it is in fact a part of our daily lives now.

Eduvoice Understanding The Needs And Bridging The Gap!!

Artificial intelligence is one of those domains that will constantly rise and evolve. This creates tons and tons of upcoming job opportunities for every graduate enthusiastic about AI and ML.

Thus, we at Eduvoice invite Corporate Leaders of specific domains, who share their insights about the skill sets and qualities that are required in their respective field. The purpose behind this is to create a bridge between the Industrial sector and the Educational sector.

Let’s Get To Know Mr. Indrajit Kar!!

This time we had a fruitful conversation with Mr. Indrajit Kar, who is the Principal Solution Architect(Machine Learning & Data Science Vertical) at Accenture.

Indrajit gladly shared his journey with us, which was interesting to know about!

machine learning

Mr. Kar started by saying that he completed his graduation in Bangalore and that is when he started developing interest in statistical analysis because it was a part of his syllabus. Statistical analysis was not present amongst mainstream jobs and there were hardly any openings.

He said that most of the openings were in BPO sectors. He was rejected by 24 small and big software companies but in a matter of time, these companies were ready to buy his notice period, as they were looking for someone with experience in the field of Analytics.

Indrajit expressed that even doing an on-job training and acquiring a good knowledge in Stats as well as C++ did not lead him anywhere.

Finally, he got placed in Siemens BPO, while pursuing his Masters, as a Call center Data Analyst. He was among the 5 lucky candidates who got selected from the 135 people who gave the interview.Mr. Kar recalls the day when he attended the interview after college, stayed till 10.30 pm, and cleared all the rounds!

It has been more than a decade now when Indrajit started his journey. During the entire course of his journey, Mr. Kar has worked in many domains. The domains range from BPO to data analysis, from Predictive Modelling to Data Science, Project management to Software Development, and now finally to Artificial Intelligence,it has been a huge learning experience and an uphill ride for him.

Indrajit quotes a line from the movie 3 Idiots, “Don’t run after success. Run after excellence, and success will follow you.” and that’s what Indrajit has been doing since his early age

What Are Things That Artificial Intelligence Unit Is Looking For In A College Pass Out?

Our next question to him was about the skill sets that companies are looking for when hiring freshers in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

machine learning

His two cents on it were that the students should have good knowledge as well as a stronghold in algebra, statistics, trigonometry, and calculus. Mr. Kar also shared that they prefer hiring those students who know how to code in a particular language and have a strong grip on the basics of a particular domain of industry they wish to work in.

Indrajit also emphasized on the importance of internships and participating in competitions.

We then asked him a series of questions about the expectations of the organizations from the students of different tiers of colleges and with varied IQs. Indrajit answered this question by saying, “It’s the Knowledge that matters and not the tier of the college that the fresher belongs to.”

A Word About Higher Education From The Industry

On asking Mr. Kar about how the corporate sector can aid in improving the outdated curriculum of Indian Higher Education. Indrajit replied that the Higher Education curriculum is not outdated as we still use Math, Stats, Algebra in AI, ML, and Data Science.

He believes that the education sector and the corporate world have to come together and show how learning curriculums can be applied to real-world problems. This should start from High school itself. Indrajit also explained that the Corporate sectors are already doing their bit in by launching Internship Programs and Corporate Training; where especially start-ups have a huge role to play.

Mr. Indrajit Kar Say On Eduvoice And It’s Initiative

Mr. Indrajit Kar was impressed with our initiative and he said that it would surely aid in improving the Higher secondary education system. He also said that this will provide a better path for students leading up-to industrial work.

After talking to Mr. Indrajit, the only thought that comes to our mind is, “One can achieve anything in life if they have the desire to do so.”


Moderated By: Jayesh Pawar
Arranged By: Piyush Mohanty

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